Chapter 14: The Rehearsal

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I was successfully able to avoid being alone with Yoongi for almost twenty-four hours but I knew my time would run out. My only saving grace is that by his reaction to Hobi's revelation that he picked out all my clothes I can infer that Yoongi did not tell the rest of the boys about what happened in the bathroom. I haven't responded to his text message. I finished the rest of my day of work, went home, and come back to work, and still have yet to respond to him.

Part of it is because I don't know what to say and the other part is that I am a coward. I tend to run away than face my problems head-on. But since I moved across the country after a bad breakup and I assume that it's pretty obvious by now. I don't want to lose this job and have to go home and deal with the problem I came here to avoid, and by acknowledging Yoongi's text message that is acknowledging that I broke a major rule. A fireable offense you could say. So I made the cowardly decision that I wouldn't deal with it until I get my review back. I'd rather rick the heat of a bad review from the rapper than have to face the music before I absolutely have to.

Thankfully, I don't have to dodge him long enough before I get news about my performance review. Were at a nearby area working with the set for the first time. I'm seated down below the stage in the crowd section next to Richard, he's going over contracts for various crew members and I'm taking notes for the choreographer.

"Jungkook, you need to come more downstage." The choreographer, Minho, is a man in his forties who is slightly balding and who used to be a kpop star a few decades back. He loves to wear leopard print and use a megaphone even when it is unnecessary. Like right now.

"Rose, bring me the formation layout. Something doesn't look right," he yells into the megaphone and reaches his hand back towards me without even looking.

I fumble to find it in the folder and then rush to bring it up to him before he turns that megaphone onto me personally.

"Ah, Tae you and Namjoon need to switch." He looks back at the paper then back at the boys, "There, perfect."

I go to grab the paper before he drops it on the floor only for it to never be seen again.

"Take it from the top!" he yells, and the lights dim before the track starts over.

"I'm so sorry but it's fake love," Jin sings twisting from his corner position to take center.

The way the lights hit his face highlight every beautiful inch of him. How could I ever forget that this man is an angel in human form? He's so captivating without even trying.

"Cut!" Minho screeches, and the track stops, the boys taking in deep breaths. "Jimin, I know it's a lot of stages to cover in such a short amount of time but I really need you to get there in two counts, you're like one-tenth of a second too slow."

The boy nods, breathing deep, his cheeks tinged pink.

Namjoon looks over at him, a worry line carved into his forehead. "Why don't we take a break?"

Minho sighs, but then picks up the megaphone, "Everyone takes ten!" and then he disappears over to the craft services table.

The stage lights blink off and the boys sigh and sit down in relief, take the side stairs and bring them all some water.

"You're doing great, Jimin," I say as I hand him his water.

"No, I'm not. I'm too slow," he mutters.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, the size of this stage is a lot bigger than what you guys have been practicing on. You'll get it, you always do."

He nods his head, but I don't think he believes me. Jimin is the most self-critical in the group by far. Jungkook and Jin not far behind.

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