14- following the clues.

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"What's this key for? I mean, it could be very important for Dr Chan to hide it like this!" Jian observe the key,

"First, we should read the paper. Maybe it will disclose the location of the lock where this key belongs." Xiao zhan mentioned the paper in yibo's hand and everyone now looking at it,

It's a crumbling old folded paper. Yibo afraid to open it, as it could be torn down, he asks Jian to unfold it.

Jian took the paper but he also afraid that he could damage it so finally xiao zhan decided to unfold it as he is the most patient person among them!

He took the paper on a table and try to unfold it with his nails first. To his surprise, the paper started to unfold without any damage!

Slowly, he can able to unfold it fully and Alex put a light on it to read the paper.

"The words are a mess, I can't read it, " Alex told,

"Of course, that was the writing of a scientist, how can we understand it!?" Yibo looking at xiao and raised his brow! Xiao understand the sarcasm and hit him lightly on his shoulder,

"Shut up! It's not like we scientist are alien for you! We can write and read normally you know!?"

"Then why don't you try to read the massage !? It's after all for you by Dr Chan."

"Hmm, "

Xiao zhan takes a closer look at the paper. Even some of the letters were faded away but he can read out the message from the remaining words,

"It's not a treasure that I left for you, it's a big ......for you to carry on. I tried to call..the mistake but I don't know how much I could help them! If you found this key after...it means I trust you to complete the work which I may not be..., I know, they follow me, they threatened me but I can't back off now, my morals don't allow me. My knowledge is not for destruction so as yours. ...do your best for them, we can at least give them that much hope."

There is a heavy silence remain in the room for a minute. They were shocked to know about Dr Chan's work which was proved to be treason!

"What exactly Dr Chan want xiao sir to do!? I mean, Is it some kind of research or medicine!?" Jian was confused,

"I don't know but I can say that it may be consulted to those unlucky peoples who survive after operation black owl, he may be work on their disease." Xiao zhan playing with the key and try to resolve the puzzle,

"I think zhan ge says the right, " yibo agreed to xiao zhan,

"Zhan ge!?" Both Jian and Alex speak!

"What!? Why are you so surprised? It's xiao's wish to call by this way, and I just fulfil his wish!" Yibo glared at his both assistants but they cover their mouth and giggles like fools!

"Yeh....yeh...we understand!" Jian is still laughing and yibo slaps his head to stop it! Xiao zhan shakes his head but his ears turned crimson red with embarrassment. He coughed to hide it,

"Umm, what I think is...how about we ask someone who can give us information about that community and how they connect with Dr Chan?"

"Hmm, I know who can help us? Jian, where is he?" Yibo turned to Jian,

"He is in our secret location but I'm afraid if we try to reach someone can catch the information about you both. We need to be more careful now on. I heard they even searched your home and inquired about professor zhan to his adopted family too." Jian was a concern.

"Hmm., how about Alex took him to move another place and in between the way we can approach you to meet?"

"But he won't tell anything. We already asked him a lot of time. He refused to cop up, he doesn't trust us." Alex says,

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now