31- The Ultimate Secrifice (Part-1).

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Xiao zhan was blindfolded when they dragged him forcefully inside the place but when he heard the voice of yibo, his legs stopped, and his posture changed into rigid,


The whispering sound of his love calling his name was a breaking point for yibo who saw his love after feel like an eternity for him but in reality, it was just 12 days,

"yes, it's me, xiao, what are you doing here? How can you play with your life like this? You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't,"

At the same time, someone removes the rope from xiao's hands and cloth covers his eyes. Xiao finally can able to see the person whom he desperately wants to see.


The sound of a whisper can make yibo weaker than any torture can do. He can see the equal desperation in the eyes of his lover too. Their few feet of distance can't stop their hearts which were full of love and concern for each other and trying hard to give strength by just staring unblinkingly.

"Aren't you two cutest lovers from the centuries! Wow! Didn't even bother about the danger around you! But, it's not the time, lover birds," Mr. X signed and a man grab xiao's hair and dragged him to a corner where he bind him with a chair. He can see yibo's struggle and can hear his screams but only can regret why his love has to be punished for his deeds. He was so broken that can't even look at yibo who he thinks deserve better. Yibo didn't do anything but protect him and his biggest crime is that he fell in love with him. If he had not then maybe he would never have had to suffer this much. Xiao's eyes filled with sorrow and pain. He can't face yibo but when their men slapped yibo, he can't hold on,

"Stop it, I say, stop hurting him and anyone. You want me and I'm here for you. You already killed so many lives just to reach out to me but now stop this. "

Mr. X amazingly looks at him,

"Woah! Sorry, doctor if I'm too hard on your lover. Well, if that is the case, let's be practical and cut the craps...where is that sample, doctor?"

Xiao's face turned rigid,

"You are a fool if you think, I'll ever give it to you. You can only reach to it over my dead body."

Mr. X was pissed by xiao's clear denial. He was mad and grab xiao's neck to choke him,

"Don't try to test my patience, doctor. I'll not let the only thing I chased hard for long get away this easily. Either you gave me that thing or ready to lose all your loved ones in front of your eyes. I'll burn this entire jungle if I need to search for this. Don't even think about you can out this easily."

"Basterd, leave him. If you harmed him with a single scratch, I'll kill you the most brutal way you not even imagine."

Yibo screamed at top of his lungs,

Mr. X looks at yibo and then xiao. After a time, he has a cruel and sly smile on his face. He freed xiao's neck from his clutch and xiao coughed hard to breathe,

"My, my, you guys are unbelievable. What a love and care!? So, how about I kill your lover instead of you, xiao? He gave me constant threats about how he gonna kill me, I'm tired of his barking, let me show the demonstration of his imagination. Bring Jacob, and free this fucker to deal with him."

Before anyone can understand the instruction, a roar filled the surroundings and everyone knew, who is Jacob now?

Xiao's face turned pale with fear. He can't look at yibo as his back faced him but he was now frightened and shaking,

"No, no, no, please, don't harm him. I beg you, please, let him live his life, I...I'll..."

"Don't beg for me, xiao. Think about the innocent people who trusted you, who waited for you for years. Don't let them down for me, xiao. My life is not more important than the generations of these people. Think about their future, if you give that weapon into this beast's hand. They would never forgive you. Don't do this for me, love, please, don't degrades our love like this."yibo's voice is cracking with pain and xiao too can feel it.

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