28- Another flower blooms in midnight.

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There is a pin drop silent suffocating all of them and it breaks their heart when yibo slide down the door looks absolutely shattered and broken! Jian rushed to grab him but can't stop a sob which escape from his tight mouth uncontrolled.

"Yibo. Please, calm down,"

Minato was still in panic mode as he can't get the whole thing clearly in his mind. Why did Dr Zhan isolate himself to why did it affect officer yibo that much!? He started at yibo's lifeless face and wondered if this was the same person who is one of the best cops around the world!?

"Jian, take care of him and. You have to protect them at any cost. I know what I'm asking is the toughest to do for him but he should accept this. I did it for you all. Please, understand me yibo, I have to do this. Let me finish this once and for all. If...(silent cry) if we are destined to meet again, I'll be yours forever, love. You know that, right? You know me, you know I would choose this in any way, you know that. Please, let me do this, my love, and wait for me. Your support and love are everything for me, my wangji. We have to do this. Stay strong for me and others. And...wo ai ni, yibo,"

The connection suddenly cut off and yibo closed his eyes in pain but his tears are unstoppable.

"Wo ye ai ni...wo ye ai ni...my...wai"

Jian hugged his friend and cry about his condition. He knew the risk by now. He knew what zhan gi would do is dangerous and can be harmful to his life and he also know what it means for his friend. He witnessed their love journey. He was worried about his friend's mental health.

On the other end, Minato was dumbfounded and shocked. He don't know that Dr Zhan is in love with officer yibo. He thought yibo's worries about Dr Zhan's safety as part of his duty but not even in his wildest dream he think of them as lovers! He doesn't know what to say or what to do? He silently watches officer Jian comfort his friend who is his senior by work but absolutely shattered at this point. He pities this guy who was the toughest outer side but warmest and whipped for his loved one.

"You heard him, mate. He wants you to be strong. Don't disappoint him, yibo. He needs your strength. We need your support. Don't lose heart, my friend. Everything will be alright."

Jian signed Minato to help him to get up yibo. Minato nodded and held yibo's other hand and push his stiff body upwards. Yibo looks like he lost his life but breathing to say alive, Jian and Minato drag him outside and when everyone sees their officer like this they can't understand what happened?

Inside the laboratory,

Xiao Zhan is clutching his chest clothes to calm his broken heart and trying hard to stop his tears which are refusing his will.

"I'm sorry, my love, I'm sorry to put you again through the same pain. I...I don't deserve your love wangji, I don't deserve you, please, forgive me, yibo. I love you, I really...really love you. I love you..." (Sobbing hard)

He closed his eyes but the images of Dr chan came into his vision and suddenly he stop his crying. It's like Dr chan wants to tell him something like he reminds him something and when xiao is unable to see it, Dr chan points out something where he saw thousands of people burned alive, a lot of women screaming and running here and there to save their children, he saw how people died in a most painful death. He saw disabled people looking at him in a hopeful way, he saw how mercilessly cops shot those cursed and helpless people who bagging for their life, he saw how they even shot the unborn life in their mother's womb, he heard their heart-wrenching screams and painful cries...and he came back to his sense immediately. He opens his eyes to the realisation of the situation. He understands this is not the time to think about himself. He needs to be fast in his work. He stands up straight and clears the tears from his face. He grabbed the keys in his pocket and start searching for the thing he need for his work.

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now