21- Soulmates.💞

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Xiao ran toward the blasting site blindly. He was injured and bleeding but running like a mad man! If someone does not stop him on time, he may be ready to throw himself into that deep Valley which is darker than night!

"Leave me, I say leave me, yibooo, let me gooo..."

His screams tear the hearts of others. Yibo's men held xiao as per yibo's instructions. Their hearts breaking the way xiao is wailing and their eyes also tear up as they know their boss would never come back after this terrifying blast! But they have to be tough for their duty.

Suddenly xiao lose his consciousness and fell like a rugged doll into the arms of the holder,

"Xiao sir? Mr zhan? Please calm down, sir? Sir?"

The voice drifted afar from xiao's ears, he only can see darkness and numbness in his heart,



Xiao zhan hears someone calling him from afar. He can hear the faded sound but can't see anything or anyone around him! He trying to open his eyes but can't do it! He felt anxiety.

Suddenly the scenes from his memories started recreating in front of his eyes, and yibo's handsome face appears with his famous smirk and xiao's lips felt like smiling too. Yibo's voice which he once dislike to the core, now, blooming in his mind and give him life again,

"Your name suits you, sir, you are so bright as well as...cute, "

"But the mole under your lower lip distracting me, sir,"

"I like you, sir,"

"But, I refuse to let it be an obstacle in my way, I don't care that you are my professor, I don't care that you are my senior, I don't care even if you hate me...I can't stop myself from chasing you!"

"Your face is glowing, sir,"

"I'm collecting the evidence that my lips indeed touched your skin and it's intentionally this time,"

"I love you, xiao zhan, I deeply falling in love with you,"

"No, for your sanity, I'm not your student,"

"You will be...my wife, "

"Don't, I'll be with you,"

"You know how much you are worthy for them, you feel you must give them hope, you can see their pain and want to ensure them...but...can't you see, my pain!? My suffering!? My concern for you!? I need you, too, xiao, "

"Don't be afraid, professor, even if I love you to the core of my heart, I never let myself take advantage of your vulnerable condition. My desire for you is not more stronger than my respect for you."

"I love the way you mention me as 'your man',"

"You are not someone's wife, you are my wife"

"But, now you are looking like freshly fucked bride, who marked with so many love bites,"

"I can't take a risk with your life, zhan."

"You have me, zhan ge,"

"Because he is special,"

"I don't ask you to love me back, xiao but don't stop me from loving you too."

"You have to take care of yourself, for me,"

And suddenly sound of a crash jolted out him...xiao need to scream but his voice stuck into his throat, he needs to run but he felt his body paralyzed...only the hot tears flowing down from his eyes ensure him that he is alive,

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now