15- My man.

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"Xi Ju! Yes, it's me."

"But...how? Why? What are you doing here?" Xi Ju was surprised and shocked to see xiao in front of him!

Xiao rushed to him and engulf the stunned boy in a warm embrace, Ju was too stunned to even react but his expression softening with the way xiao hugged him.

"How are you, Ju? I was worried about you."

"Hmm!? Haan...I'm alright, master."

Xiao took his hand and make him sit on a chair and he sat in front of him on the other chair. Ju was still not getting it how xiao could be there!?

"What are you doing with them? Did they kidnapped you too?"

"No, it's not like that..." Zhan tries to explain but...

"Then why are you with them? Did you work for them too? I should understand..." Ju kept blabbering without giving time to zhan for the explanation.

Yibo lost his patience,

"Just shut up before I shoot you, give him a time to explain," he shouted,


"One more word and you will die." Yibo pointed his gun at Ju with an extremely stern face...

For once, all surprised with yibo's sudden action but when they see Ju was being quiet and nodded to them, they praised yibo's weird way to handle the situation inwardly,

"No need to make him afraid. If you don't mind, let me talk to him in private. You all can wait outside." Zhan make yibo drop out his gun,

"No, I will not let you alone. Do whatever you want to talk but I'll not leave you, that's it."


"No means no, understand?"

Zhan signed, he knew yibo is a stubborn man.

"Ok, but don't interfere in between,"

"Whatever," yibo rolling his eyes and seat on a chair in the corner.

Zhan takes ju's hand in him, yibo don't like it so avert his eyes from their joined hands, on the other hand, ju found this gesture calming. He stares at xiao and sees just concern in his eyes. He felt relax,

"Look ju, it's complicated to explain my situation. But I can ensure you that I am not working for the government and yibo and his men trying to protect me from them. They knew something is wrong in the way I was framed in treason,"

"Treason? How could it be possible? You are a famous person!"

Zhan leave his hand, yibo feel like breathing again, and when xiao narrated the situation briefly to Ju, he was surprised to see ju nodded and hear him so patiently, he was right, Ju believes xiao.

"So, in this situation, I don't even know why they want me? As I don't know what was Dr chan's project or even why he wants me to continue it?"

Ju's face brightens with a smile,

"Because you are their only hope,"


"That cursed people whose life doomed at that unfortunate day. Those people still struggling to survive. They have to fight with governments and even with their diseases. They knew, only you can help them as you are the only person who can cure their disease like Dr chan."

"How do you know that? You are a Chinese boy, how could you work for them?"

"Well, it's just a coincidence that I am Chinese by born but if they didn't rescue me from the army of the Chinese government, I may not be standing in front of you. My parents were killed by them just to gave them shelter and food for some days. They ruthlessly killed them in front of my eyes. They even throw me into a burning house to die but I was somehow rescued by those people. They gave shelter to a toddler who was alone on this planet and injured too." At this point, ju cried remembering his past. Zhan patted his back after sometimes ju regain his composure.

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now