10- Hold on to me.

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Wang yibo was the center of attention to everyone that time, everyone looking at him with surprise, shock, and suspiciously! But...

His eyes fixed on only one person who was refused to even acknowledged him! His heart worried for that angel who seems to lost his light right now, the way he lowered his eyes...yibo's heart aches for this man who never do anything in his life that makes him guilty in the eyes of the world, who only cares for others welfare, who never lives for himself, never want credit for his achievements, never even think about harm someone...he doesn't need to lower his eyes!

Yibo follow his line of view and his eyes landed on the handcuffs on xiao's hands, an internal scream filled his mind with the sight of xiao like this! His palms clutch into fists with the anger he holds on to his body! His eyes turned red, he can feel the pain of xiao zhan in his heart which about to combust with the rage!

Xiao doesn't deserve this!

Yibo needs to save him, not just because he loves him but this person is too precious for humankind, his being is worthy for generation, his selfless soul can't be tinted like this. Yibo determines to protect him over his life.

"Open his cuffs, "

His powerful voice reverberate into the heavy atmosphere,

He looked at everyone with a stern gaze like he wants to see if anyone could dare to oppose him!? Finally, he turned towards cops, who still not able to digest his order!

"May I need to repeat myself? I say open his handcuffs." He loses his mind with fury,

"But, sir?" The cop who hold on to xiao's hand speak with fear,

"Is it hard to understand my instructions!?" He glared at that person who shivering with the way yibo gazed at him!

He was about to open the cuffs when...

"Sorry to interfere, sir, but we can't open his hands, it's a part of normal procedure, we need..."

"You searched him before the arrest?"

"Ye...yes, sir,"

"Did you find any weapon or other kind of harmful stuff in search?"

"Umm...no, sir,"

"Then what's the reason to handcuff him?"

"It's just...a routine step, we don't intend to harm him, "

"You already harm his image officer, I know, it's just a normal procedure for you but did you think whom you try to disgracing like this!? You know him, right? Everyone who loves our country would know him too. He is not an ordinary culprit or criminal, officer, A moment ago, when you didn't find him guilty, you must be respected him but now you treated him like a criminal! As per the law, until he is found guilty, you can't treat him like one!"

"I...I'm sorry, sir, "

"If not respect him in general, don't disgrace his integrity like this, "

The person who stands by xiao feel ashamed of his actions and quickly remove the handcuff from xiao's hand, but...

Xiao didn't move a beat nor look at him, his lower eyes make yibo more anxious and sick of worries for his love,

(Hold on for a while love, I'll not let you go like this, just look at me, please, love, look at me, I'll save you, believe me, please, don't lose hope like this, it tear my heart to look at you like this! You can't be broken, you have to be strong, for me...for us, )

The silence suffocated everyone there. Finally, the dean fake coughed to draw the attention of yibo,

"Uhm, Mr. Wang, "

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now