27- In verge of separation.

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A black jeep passed through the dense forest and the people inside of it watched the real jungle around them for the first time. They were in awe of the sight of the tallest trees, unknown colourful birds, scary snakes and reptiles. They thrilled with the sound of animals eco through the surrounding. If someone is lost in this jungle there is no way he/she can come out alive. The jungle is scary and mysterious just like people who live inside of it!

Yibo glanced at Minato who silently drive the vehicle. He wants to ask but hesitate to doubt their intentions.

"You can ask whatever you want, officer. I don't mind it all. I knew you are still worried about Dr xiao's security. I can feel your tension." Minato said while driving,

"It's not like I have doubts about your intentions but...this place is...scary and mysterious. What happens if we can't pass it out in if the emergency arrived?" Yibo asked,

"You're right. This jungle is a puzzle for outsiders but it's like a home for us. It protects us from the bad intentions of the outer world which is scarier and cruel than this jungle. But don't worry we are always with you. Our people protect you from any harm. We already planned everything. Just wait till we reached the place. You'll know everything." Minato trying to comfort the worried man.

Yibo just hummed and look at xiao who was still working with the puzzle of the box. He did everything to open it but failed and it makes him frustrated. Yibo smiled and held his hand.
Finally, xiao notice his surrounding.

"This thing stuck, yibo. Why can't I open it? Did Dr Chen prank me?"

"Maybe there is another way to open it. We have to think it out of the box way. Don't worry, we will find out. You should relax." Yibo trying to ensure xiao but he can't be sure himself.

After some time they reached an open area which is surrounded by huge dense forest. The trees almost cover the entire area that no one can tell there are some big houses and facilities built up inside of the area. It's a mystery how they can build the entire construction without damaging the surrounding forest!? Yibo and his team looks surprised and in awe of the work.

While xiao's focus constraints on the tallest building which is large and even covered fully with large glass panels. Minato smiled at their awestruck expressions.

"Minato this is..."

"It's our secret place which I mentioned before. We didn't live here but we developed this place with the guidance of Dr Chen. He instructed us to build it."

"What? Dr Chen instructed you!? But how?" Xiao couldn't believe,

"Yes, when he was doing his research on our problem he guideline our people to build a secure place where nobody can reach and his instruments can be safe. He informed that only you can excess of his laboratory after him. How? That only you can find."

Not even xiao but yibo was too shocked by this information! How could Dr chan be so sure about xiao's arrival and even prepared such a place in advance!? This is suspicious.

Yibo examine the surroundings where some other houses were constructed. They look like mini hotel rooms. He is surprisingly shocked. But when he shows xiao walking towards that main building he stopped him,

"No, xiao, you can't enter without checking out the security. Let me..."

"No, yibo, I'm sure Dr Chen wanted me to check out this spot personally. He wants me to overtake his works that's why he instructed them to build this place for him. I'm sure it's safe. Am I right, Minato?"

"Yes, Dr, you can enter it but there is a part inside this building, which Dr Chen used as his laboratory, is strictly prohibited for anyone. He secured that place himself. Only those people whom he wants to enter can excess of the code to unlock it and only he can make it open from inside too. Nobody can enter or come out without his permission of him. Dr Chen told that it was for the safety of people who stayed with him where he worked on a very dangerous project. If anything bad happens, he wants others could be safe from any harm."

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now