23- Pleasurable Pain.(M)

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(Mature part 18+, if you feel uncomfortable, please skip it to the next part.)

"Please, lan er gege,"

Yibo was speechless. He can feel the same thrill, same desire, and same lust that only can awaken by this guy in his arms. Only he can make him feel like this. His eyes can see his longing, pleading with him to make him forget his pain. He knew xiao was too lost to compose himself on his own. It's too much for him. He may be a top scientist and a well-known celebrity to the world but the person in his arms right now is his lover, his only reason to get back to life...


He can't be reckless to drive in the desire. Xiao just came out of the coma and he was injured too. He can't...(somehow xiao can read his face like an open book and he interferes)

"Don't, please, don't hesitate. I still only have you, yibo. Even in this life, there is no one whom I can ask for this. Only you can take the pledge to make me feel safe and secure. Only you can make me feel loved. You make me feel special and hot for you like this. Your touch can ignite me and burn all the burdens inside me. Please, lanzhan, my body could never be an obstacle in any manner when I want to feel you inside me. Had you ever seen me complaining about it to you in my past life? Your love can heal me alone, my lan zhan. Can't you feel my need!?" Xiao pressed his chest more into yibo's hard front and grab his neck while closing the distance between their faces and smiling so sensually.

Yibo feels shivers inside his body when xiao bites his lips a little and arches his back a little to create more friction between their chests. All the blood inside of his body rushed towards the south and revoke the beast inside of him. The way xiao looks at him, yibo can't think rationally. The pull of this moment is so strong for him not to give in. He hugged his love tightly in his embrace. His hand caresses xiao's neck and his soft hair. The warmth, the desire, and the need is so strong between them that can't even be described in words. Yibo lost himself in xiao's demand.


Yibo's husky voice makes shivers down to xiao's spine. He kissed yibo's shoulders and neck. Inhale his unique smell and feel up his lungs with it.

"Take me, yibo. Make me forget everything. I need you to breathe again. I almost lost you and I don't wanna feel that misery furthermore. Give me reasons to live again, love. For you, for us,"

Yibo clutches his lover's body hard to his own and sighed deeply,

"We are outside and in open, do you..."

Xiao parted from yibo instantly and looked at him with surprise,

"Did it make a difference on our first time, in our previous life? What I remembered is, you didn't even take time to prepare me and just launched yourself on me. When did my lan zhan give a fuck to where, when, and how about our lovemaking!? You never cared..."

Xiao can't complete his sentence as his lips are harshly sealed by yibo's hot lips. Yibo makes him straddle his thighs properly so xiao can feel his hard one too. Xiao moaning so sensually when he started to roll his hips on yibo's crotch for more friction. Yibo's one hand tightens his hold on xiao's waist and another hand cupped the smooth glob of xiao's ass cheeks while kissing him passionately and hungrily. The sound of their sloppy kisses intensifies the tension between them. The urge to take another one is too heavy that it's suffocating them.

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