29- Inevitable battle.

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It's almost two weeks since the day when everyone saw xiao zhan last time. Everyone knew that the danger is looming over their head but they didn't have another option but to prepare themselves to fight back. With help of yibo and his team, mike and his men are trained well in a short period. Not only them but the villagers also learned some tactics to hold any fight for a while. Yibo doesn't want to take any risks. Jian trained bai Chen and other locals too to give them every information about the area and one day...

A boy in his mid twenty running so fast inside the dense forest around him. His lungs filled with air as he hold his breath to give maximum energy to reach the destination, and when he saw a hidden wooden brick house on a tall bamboo tree, he collapse on the ground with relief.

He is running out of air but he has to do it. After putting all the energy into his hands he put them into his mouth and create a certain wild melody.

This is the only chance,

They must reach out to them if he didn't warn others on time...

He was afraid to even think,

He again tries it and this time he heard the reply melody. A deep sigh came out of his mouth after listening to the reply sound now all he has to do is wait,

After half an hour he felt some group of people's foot taps coming closer to his direction. That people did very less noise and hide behind the bushes to not be noticed.

"That way, he is here,"

He heard the sound and after a moment a man rushed to his side and take his head on his lap,

He is a member of yibo's group,

"Xu? Hey buddy, wake up, what happens? Why are you warnings us like that?"

Xu hu just try to reply when other people came and circle him. One of them is Jian.

"Xu? What happens to you? And why are you giving us warning signs? I mean...wait...wait a minute, why are you alone? where is ning? He was with you when you went to the market, right? Then why are you returning alone? What happens, danm it, say something," Jian was shouting now but someone put his hands on his mouth before he speaks loudly,

"Quite, officer, are you out of your mind? Why are you shouting? Just give him a chance to speak at least. You know the dangers of the mission. Now, calm down, please," that man who was among mike's troop, named Braka, ask xu,

"Calm down, first, xu, and then tell us what's going on?"

Xu gather his courage and,

"They...they found out about us...I don't know...whether they were cops or other gangsters but they were searching us everywhere in local towns and now nearby villages. They...abandoned the local people whom they suspected and tortured them to death. Luckily nobody told them about anything but..."

"But what?"

"They...one of them identified ning and..."

Jian feared the worst in that few seconds, he grabbed the shoulder of xu and shook him hard,

"What happened to ning? I swear if they trying to hurt him, I..."

"They captured him, sir, or in other words, ning surrendered himself to misguided them and provide me with a safe passage to run out. He fought for his life, sir, I must say you teach him so well. He barely manages to hold back them from fighting but fights so bravely and told me to send this message to you," xu certainly feel so proud of ning, as it reflects on his face, but Jian's face deemed with grief and hollowness,

"What message?" He whispers,

"He said, professor zhan is our last hope, save him to any cost and if we are destined to meet with each other in future, believe me, we will meet again,"

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now