11- Shadow of the past.

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Xiao Zhan opens his eyes slowly. His vision is blurred and he felt aches and pain in his body while even moving his head slightly.


"Mr. Zhan? You awake!?"

Someone noticed him and quickly rushed outside, after some time a person coming to his way...

Xiao look at that person and felt surprised,

"Jian? What are you doing here? Where I am? And...and where is yibo? Where are that cops and?.."

"Calm down, professor, don't stress out yourself, you need to eat something first, after all, last day was terrible for you. You caught a high fever and nightmares all over the night, we are so worried about you. So, please, could you get up and eat something first? I'll tell you everything after that."

Jian slowly held the elbow of xiao and helped him to get up on his bed but xiao feel so much pain in his body and unable to even stand!

"It's ok, sir, I'll arrange some food and medicine here. Just rest, ok?"

Jian went out to bring some healthy food for xiao zhan. He put the tray before him and insists to finish it first. Xiao is barely able to finish half of the food. Jian stop to force him and gave the medician.

"I felt better now. Can you please tell me now, where I am and where is yibo?"

"You are at our secret place and yibo sir was busy with some necessary things, he will be here soon. He was with you all day and night through. You were unconscious and sick for almost 20 hours! He was taking care of you all the time. He didn't want to left your side for a minute but something happens and he needs to go to handle it personally."

Xiao was surprised with the way he got new information about yibo!

"Jian, who is he? Why are you address him as your sir?"

Jian smile,

"Because he is my senior! I'm an assistant. And to answer your question, who is he?... He is the chief officer of Interpol, china branch. In other words, senior officer to the commissioner too!"

"What? How?"

Xiao's surprised and shocked face looks amazing to Jian! He smirked at xiao's awestruck expression!

"But he is...he is younger than me even! I mean, how?"

Jian is laughing at xiao's cute face,

"Don't be fool by his face, professor, he is not what he looks like! He was the first underage graduate selected for the special training of police! He was the top student and award winner trainee who was selected for more hard training of Interpol and the first one to selected as an officer at the age of 22 years! His skills are much greater than his age. His successful career leads him to the top place of our country. He achieved the top rank in Marshal art during his training period! In other words, he is unbeatable!"

Jian looks so proud full while explaining his friend's achievements.

Xiao Zhan is speechless,

"We met each other on a joint operation three years ago, we completed our training together but the brilliant performance of him leads to promoted him as my senior officer. I hope you get that, age is just a number for him."

"And, how old he is?"

"Can you believe if I told you, he is just 26 years old!?"

"Still younger than me, "

"Yes, but for the record, you both are similar to achieve the name and fame at the young age of your life! You both are really similar in many ways!"

Xiao feels flustered a little by this comment, he looks shy!

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now