16- shocking surprise.

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In a couple of hours when xiao just think about how they could reach their destination without caught up by someone!? Yibo worked like a maniac. His phone is constantly ringing and he arranges everything like a pro gamer!! His anxiety though visible on his face but he tried to put everything in place in one go...

After a hard 4 hours, he came back to xiao and put a cover in his hand.

Xiao surprised to see it,


"It's your new passport and visa, we created fake identities for us. As you know, all Interpol and other authorities desperately searching for us everywhere, it's too hard for us to escape from their watch so..."

"I understand, I will be ready for any risk. Just a second, I need to collect my things first."

"Umm...you don't need those...things. I already set up your luggage."

"Oh! Ok, so let's go, I'm ready,"

Xiao zhan is about to leave the place when yibo's voice stopped him!

"Umm, zhan ge?"

Xiao turned to see why yibo didn't move from his place!?

"The thing is...you have to change your attire. Your new identity is of...Mrs Chao."

Yibo visibly looks hesitant to say that...

"Oh, what!?...did I heard Mrs!?"

"Yes, you heard the right."

"What the hell!? How could you make me someone's wife!? I'm a man for god's sake!"

"You are not someone's wife, you are my wife. We will be going out as a Mr and Mrs Chao. I'm wang lei and your name is yu yen. I will call you yen and you have to call me wang, ok?"

Xiao is looking at yibo like he is an alien who is talking some unknown language! His mouth falling a gap! Did this guy lose his mind or something?

"Are you crazy? What kind of joke is it? Disgusting! How could you plan such a thing? And why I need to be a woman here? You could also be my wife? Or you could do my makeovers like fake moustache or bread but why I have to act as a female!? This is offending! I will not be a part of any kind in this plan." His body shaking with rage,

Yibo signed,

"Look, xiao, I know, it's hard to play but we don't have other options. As an Interpol agent, I do know what they expect us to do to escape from their clutch. And it's not about me, they want you. They put every imagination about your fake makeover, they even spread it all around the country so we couldn't find a way. So you can't escape with a fake makeover!"

"So!? It's easy for me to escape as a woman!?"

"Actually, yes, they didn't expect you as a woman and hell as a wife of someone! So it's a 50% chance that we could able to escape."

"The Hell, I don't want to be a woman. Please find another way," xiao whining like a child,

"It's not that hard too, look, I know someone who can help you to change into a women gets up. She is one of the members of this colony but still knew how to put on the makeup. Believe me, after that, nobody can recognise you."

Xiao sighed,

"Do I have a choice!?"

"Trust me, love, I'll make sure, nothing goes wrong." Yibo put his hands on xiao's shoulders and held it firmly, xiao nodded and yibo calls for someone to come inside.

A small beautiful girl came inside with little hesitation, xiao greeted her with a smile. The girl feels relaxed.

"Do your work fast, we need to go within half an hour. Make sure he didn't feel uncomfortable in those clothes, we have a long journey ahead. Got it?" Yibo firmly orders the girl which is nodded in every word.

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now