25- Betrayal and misery.

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"A yuan!?"

Xiao zhan was surprised to see A yuan there, but the biggest surprise he got when he saw who carried him in his arms!?

"Bai chan!?"

Yibo also got shocked by his life when he saw its bai chan who came with his cousin brother wen ning! Before they can understand the situation, they rushing towards them. Ayuan flung himself in xiao's direction who catching him effortlessly,

A yuan start crying while engulfed his angel.

"They...killed...my parents...angel...why you didn't came...to save them...you...you are our Saviour...then...why...."

His broken words shocked the entire crowd to the core. The local public who didn't know their language remains unimpressive but the others gasped loudly because it means that their hidden place was disclosed by either government or by Mr X!

In both the case, it's truly a disaster.

Yibo sighed his men and they took the local crowd out of the scene and other carrying Ayuan from xiao zhan which he totally refused.

"A yuan, your angel is not well, please let him rest, I'll carry you, don't you love your yibo hyung anymore!?" Yibo trying to lull the child and when a yuan saw yibo in front of him, he forward his arms to him and yibo easily take him out of xiao's hands.

He signed others to come to the cottage type room and discuss the matter with much privacy. He clutches his stick and Alex support xiao to walk to the cottage.

When they closed the door, xiao pulled yuan in his lap and make him calm. Yibo looking at bai chan suspiciously,

"How did you get to reach us? Don't tell me, our officials gave you the information about us because even they can't able to track us now. So tell me the truth, then!?" He looks kinda mad,

Bai chan first starlets by this sudden question and raised tone of yibo but when he realised the situation and remember who is yibo in real, he trying to compose himself before answering to him.

"No one of the government officials helped me to reach to you guys. Believe me, I didn't even know about your secret place until a few days ago. Actually, I was so worried about xiao sir when you guys arrested him. I didn't believe that he could be the culprit. I was so confused and desperate to know the truth."

"Don't tell me you did something illegal!"

"No, of course not, but I do something to find out the real culprit. I have doubts about Wei sir, as he was the only one who was closed to xiao sir. Only he could manipulate the proofs. So, I started to follow him and..."

He stopped and signed,

"One day I caught him to call someone and he said he will steal the thing which was in xiao's sir laboratory. I was surprised to hear he hates xiao sir that much that he would ruin his whole reputation and kill him after it!" All listening calmly and that make bai Chen more surprised and shock! Even xiao sir listening to it indifferently!

"Amm... I...can't be calmed and thought it should be useful if I gave this information to our principal."

"You said these things to Mr Meng!? But why?" Xiao asking this time,

"I didn't trust anyone other than our principal. And when I told him about shen wei sir, he reacted weirdly and told me to keep quiet about this matter as it was confidential and dangerous."

"Mr mang told you to be silent!?" Yibo also shocked,

"Yes, and that makes me shocked too! But then I realised that maybe he could be with wei sir. I understood that I did a great mistake to tell him about Wei sir's plan but when I told this matter to ning, he suggested I check xiao sir's laboratory secretively and find out what thing wei sir want to steal!"

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now