19- Because he is special.

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Yibo diverted the handle on time and they both flying to the side of the road. Thank, God! the ground is Sandy as it near to the sea but still they feel the hurt from the force of impact.

"Danm! Zhan ge? Why it is so hard to just a little mess up with you? You can easily be disturbed!"

Yibo hissed in pain when his ass bumped hard on the roadsides, xiao is also cursing his stars as his left hand bruised and left ribcage injured from the crash,

But after hearing yibo, he forgot his pain and grabbing yibo's collars in rage!

"You stupid, idiot, jerk, bloody rascal...first, you distracted me with your flirting, and now you are blaming me for the accident!? It's all your fault, you punk, look, what you did? Now, what we gonna do, huh!?"

"Relax, love, let me think,"

Yibo freed his shirt from xiao's grip and stand up with struggle. Once he can able to stand property he stretches his stiff muscles and moves his hand in xiao's direction. Xiao grabs his hand and tries to stand up too but his shoulders pained a lot and he slumped down again. Yibo grab his waist and make him stand up,

"Shit! It pained a lot, yibo," xiao hissed,

"Hold on for a while, love, I'll do something,"

Yibo checked the bike if it could be restarted but to his utter disappointment, the engine was broken down.

"Fuck! This is unexpected!"

"Now, what should we do, yibo?"

Yibo can sense the worry in xiao's voice. He tries to contact his men but unfortunately, his device was also broken!

Suddenly a passer-by car stops in front of them. Yibo grabs his gun and covered xiao with his body as he can't trust anyone. They could be Shen wai's men!

"Who are you?" When he saw nobody coming out of the car or even slide down the window, he pointed his gun towards their direction,

The car window slowly slides down and...

"Why am I always in place to rescue the love birds!? You guys can't hold up for a few days even!?"

Yibo sighed,

"Get your ass down, you fucker, zhan ge is injured,"

"Jian!?" Xiao is pleasantly surprised to see Jian and the other two men who may be yibo's team members too!

"Oh! My poor, professor! I need to make you apart from this pervert, I know, he can't control himself around you and mess up the situation. Look what he did to you!?" Jian came out of the car and hugged xiao zhan at which yibo glared at him!

"True, Jian, I don't want to be with him too. Next time, I want to be by your side. This perverted stubborn jerk could kill us someday with his flirting and teasing."

Xiao put his hand over Jian's shoulder and yibo dislike it to the guts but he silently went to the driver's seat. Jian and xiao shook their heads at his childish jealousy!

"Don't mind him, sir, he was always acted like a bitch when he was jealous!" Jian lead xiao to the back seat of the car but yibo puts pressure on the accelerator while holding on to the breaks firmly too! Car roaring with screeching noise...

"What the fuck is your problem, yibo!?" Jian felt irritated,

"I'm not your driver, you know!?" Yibo answer without looking at them,

Jian signed, he knew what yibo wants, and xiao too knew yibo very well by now,

"Let me seat beside him, Jian, or we would have to face another accident again!"

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now