32 - The Ultimate Secrifice (Part-2).

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"Why are you so stubborn, yibo? Can't you listen to me once?" there is so much pain in his voice,

He can see the smile on Yibo's blood-filled face in this condition too,

"Coz I'm your stubborn fella, love. I'll not leave you alone in this monster's dan. If we can able to live, then it's together and if we have to die then also we are together in it. You can't escape from me, love."

And there is a proud smile on both of their face when they decided to go for the ultimate sacrifice this time.

Mr x glanced at both of them like they lost their mind completely!

"Are you done with your romance? You know, my time is precious and I...don't ...want it to waste on your love story."

With that, he fired in the air and suddenly they can hear the sound of explosions from far away. The explosions were so powerful that the earth beneath them is still shaking with vibrations!

"wh...what is this? What did you do now?" xiao trembled with fear of the worst possibilities.

But yibo was silent and observed mr x!

Now, it's mr x's turn to be curious! He avoided Xiao's scream but came closer towards yibo. They both look at each other like they want to test the abilities of their opponent.

"Why are you not seems affected, officer yibo? Don't you want to know, what I did? Did you not listen to the sound of an explosion? Did my men make you deaf by beating you that much?" mr x's voice was low but hard like a stone. He can't understand why yibo still looks unfazed!?

Yibo look at him with an equal stonic gaze,

"You think so highly about yourself, Mr. Valentino Marino D'Amico, aka Vito, or Russstov Valari or Christopher Milan or I can say your other's names too. What will you like to hear for the conversation?" yibo says without any changing his expression, and not only mr X was shocked but xiao zhan too was amazed by Yibo's revelation!

His mouth opened with shock and surprise!

"How...!?" mr x still can't believe that yibo revealed his identity like this!

"It's not even a question! You are degrading the patriotism of a soldier by asking him how much he loves his nation. I'm a soldier, I know my duty well and I know, I can double-trap you in your own game. I was working on your case for...how long? Oh! It's two years. I know your every line of work, your every identity, your every crime, and even your every move. I'm in this case for a reason, you know?"

Mr. X was too shocked to even react!

"But that's not possible. My men were everywhere, even in your department. You can't fool me."

"If you talk about the head of Interpol Mr Han or you must be talking about the Deputy chief commissioner Mr. Liu, whoever you say is your man, you should check your source of information too. If this world is filled with bad people, good peoples exist too. We used your own sources against you. What do you think, how can I easily ditch your every trap? And you like a fool follow us here. It's not you who trapped us in your wicked plans, it's our plan which you follow blindly. "

"But I...killed your men. I destroy your every supply way. And a few minutes ago, I killed your all men involve the jungle people. How can..."

"Surprise! The jungle people whom you mention are the main heroes of this mission. That unfortunate people fight for their survival too long that they can sense and destroy any wicked plan which can harm their life. They created an entire city within this jungle which is hidden from the map. Even your shadow can't reach its place. What they created around us in the name of the laboratory is nothing in front of what they hide behind that sat up. They are the real natives of this jungle. Even animals and birds can work for them. And the leader whom you said a fool, is the most intelligent and sharp mind reader than anyone in this country. He makes you fool, not otherwise." yibo taunted mr X and he was fuming with rage,

My stubborn fella. (YiZhan ff)✔️Where stories live. Discover now