2. fencing champion

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"I am the fencing master Mr.D'Argencourt."

The tone-obsessed fencing teacher spoke as he walked pasted the students.

"As you are aware, we have limited spots on the team this year. Two to be exact."

He had stopped to look at the potential candidates who were lined up in front of him. With the snap of his fingers, the advanced students appeared in front of the candidates. Claire gulped as she met eyes with a student in front of her. She felt intimidated and a rush of worry flushed her face.

"Get into position."

Claire felt her palms sweat as she placed her fencing mask on her head.

"I didn't know you were into fencing Claire."

She tilted her head in confusion. 

How did they know my name? 

"Greet each other."

Claire held her saber up and swiped it across her body. The student was taken aback for a moment, they weren't expecting a beginner to understand the basic commands. 

"En garde! Prêts? Allez!"

They fenced. Claire tried her hardest to get the points, she blocked every attack her partner gave. She was fast and direct. She played it safe. Her partner ended up winning but Claire wasn't too far behind in points.
(A/N I don't know anything about fencing)

Claire slumped onto a nearby bench and picked up her water bottle. She hasn't fenced in a while so she was tired. Her partner did not make it easy. Claire took off her mask as she caught her breath. 

"Claire I didn't realize you fenced!"

Claire looked up at the voice and saw the student removing their mask. 

"Adrien? I didn't realize it was you!"

She covered her burning face with her hands. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled.

"Really? I thought you immediately recognized me. But I'm sure you knew I did fencing."

Claire shook her head before looking back up at Adrien who had a saddened expression on his face.

"Claire? Are you okay?"

She nodded as she stretched her arms into the air. 

"Yeah, I'm okay."

Adrien nodded, taking a seat beside Claire.  Claire flinched, not knowing what else to say or do. She wasn't used to all this interaction she was receiving, it was awkward. 

"Adrien! Claire! Come join the rest of us."

The rest of the students were already in line. Adrian stood up, extending his hand out for Claire to take. Claire looked at his hand for a moment before taking it. Adrien helped her off the bench and the two proceeded to walk to the line. 

"You all did well. Some were better than others. Out of all of you, I only saw one who's worthy of a spot on this team."

Claire felt her heart skip a beat as she watched his eyes scan each of the students down. He'd stop to attempt to meet with Claire's eyes but she refused. 

"Claire Reeds. Welcome to the team."

Claire shook her head in disbelief before looking over at Adrien who had a huge visible smile on his face as he stayed at attention. 

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