19. Guitar Strings

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*flashback to earlier that day*

"Good evening Claire. Are you ready to train?"

The short-haired blue streaked girl approached Claire, setting her bag down next to her. Claire nodded and proceeded to tie her shoelaces.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be Kagami."

Kagami looked down at Claire and impatiently proceeded to help her tie her shoes.

"Let's go."

Kagami handed Claire her fencing gear and the two girls walked into the main area. Claire took her position on the opposite end of the area and adjusted her helmet on.

"En garde! Prêts? Allez!"

They fenced. Claire tried her hardest despite feeling down and she threw every opposing attack. Kagami blocking every one of her attacks and ultimately winning in many points.

The girls fenced for a while longer, practicing on offensive strikes and defensive strikes. Claire had fenced and trained with Kagami before, they had grown a small friendship.

"Claire. Your performance today was mediocre, you've seen better days."

Claire rolled her eyes and took a sip of her water. Kagami held onto her helmet and frowned.

"Is something on your mind Claire?"

Kagami felt saddened by her performance today, she liked fencing with Claire because they shared the same competitive mindset. She sat next to the girl, hands set on her lap looking out into the area.

"I just have a lot going on Kagami, I just need a distraction. Are you up for smoothies after?"

Claire stood up, extending her hand out for Kagami. She hesitated but took it. The two girls proceeded to grab their things and walk to the nearest cafe. They ordered their smoothies and settled on a nearby park.

"How are you doing Kagami? I haven't heard from you in a while."

Claire asked, sipping her strawberry smoothie while looking out at the view.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience. My mother has been more demanding and controlling over my schedule. It's a miracle I was able to sneak off tonight."

Kagami looked down at her drink and sighed. Although the two girls had been friends for a short time, Claire always felt comfortable around Kagami. Kagami was a bit harsh at times, but she's new to the whole relationship/friendship thing. Claire knew she always meant well with her words despite whether or not they were kind.

"Well, I'm always here if you ever need to talk. You have my number, feel free to call anytime."

Claire softly said. Kagami looked down at her lap and back up at Claire.

"There's this guy I like. How do I tell him I like him?"

Claire was taken by surprise by this question, she was visibly confused.

"Well, it depends. How close do you think you are with him?"

Claire looked down at her hands, she wasn't the best at giving advice despite her being in a relationship. She wanted to help Kagami though, she was her friend.

"We are fencing partners on rare occasions. Our parents are business partners as well. We always socialize."

Kagami sipped her green smoothie and looked back down. Claire raised an eyebrow towards her, she nodded and looked down.

Fencing partners? Parents there know each other? Why does this sound familiar?

"May I ask who this guy is?"

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