28. The Truth

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**Image is not mine**

~a week later~

"Welcome back Claire!"

Her friends gathered around Claire as she nervously approached the school. She felt like it was the first day all over again, except this time she had friends by her side the entire time.

"Claire! It's so good to see you again!"

Alya rushed over to Claire, pulling her into a hug.

"You too Alya."

Marinette was next in line and she awkwardly waved to Claire. It had been a while since she'd seen everyone. Claire was stuck at home recovering some more per doctor's orders but she didn't mind as she got to spend more time with her aunt before she had to leave back to England.

Aunt Clarissa promised she would visit every chance she could have but to Claire, all that mattered was she had a family outside her parents and was determined to find who they all were.

"So how are you adjusting? It must be weird being able to walk after a week in a coma because of The Queen incident!"

Alya punched Nino on the arm and Nino yelped while rubbing his arm in pain.

"Anyway. What I think my dumb inconsiderate boyfriend means is how are you?"

"I'm doing much better now that I'm with you all."

Claire happily said as she wrapped her arm around Marinette and Alya. The girls giggled as they all headed towards class, leaving Nino following shortly behind and calling out "Hey wait up!".


"What's wrong Adrien?"

The concerned black short-haired fencer approached and stood over Adrien who looked down onto the ground in defeat.

"Is it about Claire?"

He nodded, unable to find the right words to say. Kagami sat down next to him on the bench and placed neatly folded her hands on her lap and stood up straight.

"I don't know what to do Kagami. I thought I was ready to see her again but when I made it to the hospital I completely freaked and ran."

Adrien buried his face in his hands as he frustratedly sighed. Kagami awkwardly patted him on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"I don't think she's ever gonna forgive me. What I did was unforgivable."

Kagami couldn't help but frown. She knew the real reason

"She literally sacrificed herself so you would be able to come back. How dense are you."

Kagami accidentally mumbled under her breath. She immediately covering her mouth as Adrien shot up and turned in her direction.

"What are you talking about Kagami?"

Kagami covered her face and looked away from Adrien.

Claire entrusted me with her secret and I broke it. I'm unworthy of her trust and friendship.


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