18. Vulnerability

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"You are not allowed to go to the dance! That's final!"

The tall slim fashion designer walked down the stairs, hands behind his back while he made his way to his office. This was the first time Gabriel acknowledged Adrien and his new girlfriend. Even though they've been seeing each other for months, Gabriel felt the nerve, the need to break the pair up out of nowhere

"But father! This dance is important to me and my friends! And Claire!"

Adrien chased him him down the stairs. Nathalie and his bodyguard looked up from their desks and frowned. They both knew about Claire, they loved her company and the way she made Adrien feel every day.

Nathalie felt some sort of guilt inside her, she had told Gabriel when they first started seeing each other, but she never followed up. In some way, she should've never given Adrien the okay but she felt bad for him.

"No Adrien. I've made my decision! You are not permitted to go to such events with such girl."

Gabriel had yelled out slamming his office door on Adrien's face. Adrien approached the door and held his fist up in the air.

He's always trying to ruin my life Keeping me from having fun and living my own life! Ugh!

Adrien was angry, all he wanted to do was go up to his father and tell him off. But he couldn't, he couldn't stand up to his father like that. He loved him too much regardless. He lowered his fist to his side and set his hand on the door.

"I just wish you understood me, father."

Adrien backed away from the door and looked over at the two adults watching over him. Adrien immediately looked away and ran up to his room. Nathalie cried out for Adrien but ultimately was ignored by his loud bedroom door being slammed.

"Well someone's in a mood. Did your father neglect our daily cheese intake again?"

Plagg flew out of his hiding spot and onto Adrien's head. Adrien pushed him away and fell onto his bed angry.

"Not now Plagg."

Plagg rolled his eyes and flew over to the tv to turn it on.

"Look kid, I know your upset about this school event but look on the bright side! We get to stay home all night, no worries, no noise. Just you, me, and my camembert!"

Adrien loudly groaned and pulled himself up.

"That's not what it's about Plagg. This was really important to Claire and my friends. They all organized this dance so that I would be able to go."

Adrien sat on the edge of his bed and looked over at his dark wood picture frame with all of his new friends in it.

"Well in that case you have to go."

Plagg rolled his eyes and sighed. He didn't like when Adrien was upset, it made him feel bad. He flew over to the blonde boy and handed him his phone.

"Call them."

Adrien looked down at his phone and heavily sighed.

"I guess I should."

But before he could, there was a knock on his window. Plagg quickly hid and Adrien looked up.

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