15. Lady Red

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A/N - Lady Red's outfit was somewhat inspired by this drawing I found on Pinterest! Picture for reference above (not my work, all credit to artist!)


"Tiki spots on!"

Claire transformed into Lady Red (Ladybug). Her hair was down, her curls were let out and sat neatly on her shoulders. Her mask was half black and half red, her suit was a red leather coat with a black laced corset and black leather pants and matching heeled boots. The red yo-yo sat attached to her leather belt, she grabbed it and tried to use it.

"Woah this is awesome"

She tried swinging it onto a pole but it came back and hit her back on the head.

"Ouch, this is gonna take some getting used to. But there's no time."

She started running towards the battle where Chat Noir was faced off with multiple purple creature. He was surrounded and was trying his best to defend himself. His staff was on the other side of the road as they managed to knock it out of his hand.

"Chat Noir!"

Lady Red threw the yo-yo and pulled Chat Noir's staff towards her. She threw it back at Chat Noir and started to help him fend off these purple creatures. Once they did, they stood side by side.

"Wow-Uhm. Whiplash. You look amazing."

Lady Red stood still and rolled her eyes.

"No time for compliments kitty. By the way, it's Lady Red."

Chat Noir was taken by surprise, even though Whiplash had the ladybug miraculous she completely had the attitude that Ladybug had. Chat Noir and Lady Red headed towards the Eiffel Tower.

Chat Noir unaware of the plan stopped her in her tracks and asked.

"So what's the plan m'-Uhm Red?"

Chat Noir was still taken aback by this new transformation. He couldn't help himself admire the new partner.

Why do I feel so attracted to her now? She has this familiarity to her that I want. I want to know what it is.

"Do you have any ideas Chat? We could use that sneaky smart mind of yours."

Chat Noir was taken by surprise. He was never usually asked if he had any ideas. Ladybug usually came up with all the plans and he just followed behind her. Lady Red wanted to include Chat Noir in her plans, to collaborate with him.

"W-well I think the source is obviously in the Eiffel Tower. I noticed every few minutes more explosions are thrown into the air from the top. Also, no purple liquid has surrounded the area, which only had to mean the villain isn't immune to it."

Chat Noir looked back out onto the entrance and then at the tip of the Eiffel Tower.

"Nice thinking kitty."

Lady Red ran her fingers through Chat's hair and winked. Chat Noir instantly blushed and looked away embarrassed.

"Cats got your tongue? Come on kitty."

The two heroes made their way into the ground. As soon as they hit the ground purple creatures were spawning all around them.

"Woah where did they come from?"

Lady Red took a step back and grabbed the yo-yo.

"You sure you got this?"

Chat Noir asked spinning his staff creating a shield as the creatures approached. Lady Red nodded as they both started to fight off the creatures. More and more started appearing as soon as the others disappeared. It was hard for the heroes to keep up.

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