20. The Royal Planning

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*a week later*

After the Silver Blade attack, Claire and Kagami had a long conversation about their friendship. They both agreed to remain fencing partners but more importantly friends.

It was the night before the Big Royal Ball. The student council was in charge of setting up the dance and it quickly became hectic as they prepared for the exciting night. Marinette, who was class representative, tightly held her clipboard in her hand as she scanned the courtyard for the last time.

"I got Kitty Section stage all set up Mari. Thank you again for letting us play!"

Luka had smoothly wrapped his arm around Marinette and hugged her.  Marinette smiled down at him and shrugged him off as she was called upon. Luka stood there, disappointed, and felt Claire crash behind him, knocking all the decorations onto the ground.

"Sorry, Luka."

Claire quickly apologized, kneeling down to awkwardly pick up the decorations. Luka smiled, upon seeing Claire and helped her back up.

"It's alright Claire. It's good bumping into you."

Claire looked into his eyes and smiled. She waved and she made her way back to the storage closet and set the box on the ground. She exited the closet and found Marinette and Alya sitting nearby looking over at the clipboard.

"Hey girls. Anything I can do to help?"

Marinette smiled up from her clipboard and shook her head.

"No everything's pretty much set up for tonight! We can deal with the rest later before the dance itself starts."

Claire nodded and sat next to Marinette and rested her head on her shoulder.

"Don't get tired just yet girl. We still have a long night ahead of us!"

Alya boasted as she snapped a picture of the two other girls. Marinette posed as Claire lousily smiled back. The girls laughed as Alya showed them the picture.

"You two are soo cute!"

Claire jokingly stuck her tongue out and all the girls laughed.

"As much as I would love to ruin this moment. Today is a good day, and courtesy of my daddykins school will be let out earlier to  prepare for the big dance."

The blonde girl approached the girls, with her hands on her hips. Chole only tolerated Claire, not so much Marinette and Alya. Chole had become much nicer since meeting Claire, at least "nicer" by her standards.

"Thank you Chole, that's really sweet of you and your dad."

Marinette barely let out a smile at Chole. Chole scoffed and dramatically turned away as she let out a small smile once her back was turned. Marinette laughed and helped Claire onto her feet.

"Well remember to meet me at my house at seven! I have all your dresses, ready and tailored to be worn!"

Marinette grabbed her bag and waved as she exited the school. This left Alya and Claire the last ones in the gym, she smiled as they linked arms and headed towards Alya's house.


"I wish Mari could've joined us! It would've been so nice!"

Claire pouted with her hands folded onto her, Alya laughed and continued to curl her hair.

"She had to help her parents with the catering! They are leading the dessert table! We will see her later!"

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