11. old habits

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*a couple of weeks later after the incident*

"Thanks so much again for letting me join the band Luka."

Claire helped Luka clean the rehearsal space. Claire and Luka started to talk more after her 17th birthday party, they would meet up to discuss music and write songs together and also to just check in on each other. Luka had recently asked Claire to join the band to play keyboard. Luka closed his guitar case and swung it onto his back.

"Hey you're the perfect pianist Claire. We needed someone like you to give Kitty Section a new style."

Claire looked up at Luka, who was significantly taller than her.The two smiled at one another and proceeded heading out out of the rehearsal space and onto the streets of Paris.

"So what are your plans for tonight?"

Claire looked up at Luka who had been looking up at the glowing night sky. The stars glimmered in his crystal blue eyes, and he turned to Claire. He had caught her staring instead of her answering his question.

"O-Oh I think I'm gonna going to find some peace tonight at my secret spot."

Claire embarrassed, looked away from Luka. He looked away from the girl as well, hiding his huge smile from Claire.

"Mind if I join you?"

Claire looked up at the boy, confused on what he had just asked.

"Don't you have to be at Mari's?"

Luka shook his head and Claire nodded. The two walked towards the Pont des Arts and sat on Claire's favorite bench near the edge.


"I know this probably isn't what you had in mind of "peace". But ever since I moved, this has the most peaceful place in Paris."

She emphasized on "peace" because she knew that this was a touristy destination. The idea of Paris ever being peaceful was a lost cause. Claire had been looking out at the water while Luka quietly strummed his guitar.

"It's quite peaceful here at night. I can understand why it's your favorite place."

Luka had looked over at Claire's notebook. In her hands was here open notebook, she had been writing the entire time.

"What you got there?"

Claire looked up from her writings and wiped away her newly formed tears.

"What's on your mind Claire?"

Luka carefully set his guitar next to him and turned to Claire.

"Adrien, he's been on my mind for a while."

Luka reached over to hold Claire's hand. Luka was hurt that his friend was clearly going through a rough few days.

"Everything okay with you and Adrien?"

She briefly shook her head and looked back out on the water.

I can't really talk about how I really feel about Adrien without talking about Chat Noir. I have to keep my end of the promise and keep his identity a secret. But Luka's allowing me to be vulnerable with him.

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