7. parties aren't for everyone

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**another beautifully made cover I mention in this chapter as well**

A/N - Claire is 16 (turning 17) and the rest of the cast are already 17. Claire is technically the youngest by a few months. Also, I don't know how old Luka is so he's 17 in this too.

tw- panic attacks, social anxiety


Happy birthday Claire

Claire heard that phrase one too many times today. Claire felt awkward every-time one of her classmates would come up to her just to wish her a happy birthday. It was the last class of the day and all she wanted to do was get to fencing and forget about this day completely.

Claire wasn't very celebratory on her birthday. She treated it like any other day because she had spent too many birthdays alone.

"Claire I've been looking all over for you! I haven't seen you all day!"

Claire turned around to find Alya chasing after her. Once Alya caught up to her, they linked arms and walked to class together. Luckily her last class was with her friends which were one of the highlights of her day.

"Ugh, I don't understand why anyone cares about this girl anymore!"

An upset Chole spoke up as they entered the room. Claire had learned to not take anything that Chole said personally. She's the one bully that if you give power too she will run with it. Claire hid her face as she walked to take her seat in the back.

Claire liked her seat in the back, she was away from everyone and she felt more calm in the back. But today it was different, Adrien was already sitting in the back. She walked up the stairs and Adrien watched her as she slowly walked near the desk.

"Adrien? This isn't your usual seat."

Claire whispered as she took her seat. Claire sort of hated change, the seat thing became the only thing that she could control which let her ease up.

"I just wanted to sit next to you, is that okay?"

Claire began to take out her materials ignoring him. Adrien sighed, looking away from Claire.

Why is she ignoring me? Did I overstep her boundaries? I know she's iffy about this kind thing. I'm not sure if she's really cool with this.

"I'll  move Claire."

Adrien grabbed his things and went to stand up. Claire reluctantly reached over and grabbed his wrist. She looked up at him and he smiled.

"No, it's ok. Stay"

Adrien nodded and took a seat next to Claire. Claire fidgeted with her pencil as the teacher began the lesson.

She fidgets when she's anxious and nervous. She's clearly on edge.

Adrien thought to himself, he proceeded to reach over and set his hands on Claire's. Claire didn't know how to react, but when he held her hand under the table. All of Claire's nerves seemed to ease up. She took a deep breath and looked over at Adrien and mouthed the words "thank you"

He let out the biggest smile and gave a tight squeeze to her hand.


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