29. letting go (alternate chapter)

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"Hey, Kitty."

Claire looked at the masked hero standing in front of her. The instant relief flooded through her face as she pulled Chat Noir into a hug. She just needed to make sure he was actually here.

"Hey, you."

Chat Noir finally gave in to the hug, wrapping his arms around her waist and smiling wide. Claire snuggled her head into his chest before Chat Noir detransformed, revealing the blonde boy standing over her.

"S-Sorry. I don't know why I did that."

Claire pushed him away and took a step back.

"I-it's okay, no worries."

Claire invited Adrien inside her apartment and poured him a cup of warm green tea. She might've burned herself from her nervousness but kept a warm smile on her face as she handed him the cup.

"So h-how has school been?"

The pair had been sitting on the couch in silence for a while. Claire nervously fidgeted with her cup of tea, not making eye contact with Adrien.

"It hasn't been easy, school's been hectic. Who knew being in a coma wasn't a valid excuse to miss classwork."

Claire let out a faint laugh, easing the awkward tension between the two. Adrien laughed at her attempted joke as he sipped his tea.

"I can always help you catch up with any work you need. I mean not to brag or anything but I do have all A+s"

Adrien had a smug look on his face which immediately made Claire raise an eyebrow and laugh.

"Oh, all As? Didn't you have an A- in physics?"

Claire teased as Adrien's face flushed with embarrassment. Adrien crossed his arms and frowned like a small child. This made both of the teens share a bigger laugh, breaking the tension they once had.

For the rest of the remaining evening, they shared laughs and even ate a few snacks. Everything was going great, it felt like a relationship they once had and that was something Claire dearly missed. She forced a smile through all his jokes and conversations, she was happy but still felt awkward.

I got my best friend back. Why am I still feeling like this?

Claire and Adrien were now staring out onto the city on the balcony. The rain had stopped but the night sky remained. Claire leaned on the balcony, enjoying the fresh breeze that lightly gusted around them.

"Hey, before I forget. I think this belongs to you."

Claire looked down at Adrien confused before he reached into his pocket and pulled out her necklace. Claire widened her eyes at the sight of her teal necklace.

"Adrien.. h-how do you, I can explain"

Adrien interrupted her by putting a finger on her lips and smiling.

"You don't have to explain anything Claire. I found your kwami in tears after you were akumatized.  I'm sorry you never got to tell me on your own."

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