30. Forever Family (alternate ending)

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~a couple of months later~

Dear, Aunt Clarissa. It's been a long time since I've last written and let me just tell you that a lot has happened since then. Every day we are getting more closer to defeating Hawkmoth, which is crazy to even think about because I cannot imagine not being Whiplash and not saving Paris alongside Ladybug and Chat Noir every day.

The three heroes raced along the many rooftops of Paris, catching the attention of the nearby citizens down below. They cheered as they saw their beloved superheroes protecting the beautiful city of Paris.

"Haha! We were so amazing today!"

Whiplash stoked as she congratulated her team upon their recent successful de-akumatization. Ladybug and Chat Noir landed a few inches behind her and laughed at the girl's excitement.

"I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself."

Chat Noir smirked at them before Ladybug playfully punched his arm and shook her head in disapproval.

"Oh yes because terrible puns and jokes definitely save the day."

Chat Noir crossed his arms together and huffed loudly before Whiplash scratched the back of his head.

"Come here, Kitty Kitty. Who's a good kitty, you're a good kitty. Yes, you are!"

Chat Noir purred as Whiplash continued to scratch behind his ears. Ladybug raised an eyebrow at the two before laughing at the foolishness in front of her.

"Okay okay. I'm gonna go before this gets anymore weirder. Bug out!"

Ladybug winked at the pair before zipping away onto the streets of Paris. Whiplash watched Ladybug disappear into the distance before hitting Chat Noir on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?"

She chuckled before helping Chat Noir onto his feet and smiling widely at him.

"Come on kitty! Let's go!"

The pair exchanged similar looks before they both vaulted towards the familiar girl's apartment. They entered the apartment together through the open balcony before detransforming inside.

"You always give the best scratches, Claire. It's amazing."

Adrien boasted as he grabbed Claire by the hand, spun her around before dipping her and planting a kiss on her lips.

But aside from the superhero life, you might be wondering how things are doing between me and Adrien, recently and honestly, it's never been better. Adrien is being such a gentleman, always spoiling me (even when I scold him for doing so) and being the best boyfriend I could've asked for. He's definitely a huge part of my life now and I love him with all heart.

Claire and Adrien lazily fell back onto the couch.  The pair cuddled with one another under the blanket, after a tiring day of fighting. During the movie, Claire couldn't help but snuggle her head into Adrien's chest to hear his heart beat.

But it hasn't always been this easy. We spent a lot of time talking about our feelings and our pasts, trying to understand one another on a deeper level. Adrien felt terrible for the way things played out beforehand and tried his best to improve and become the best version of himself for me. And he did.

Adrien bit his lower lip at the girl in disbelief. He held a noticeable smile before running his hands through her hair and kissing the top of her head.

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