9. the purple fog

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*small steamy moment*


"I still can't believe Claire found out I was Chat Noir. I feel so much better knowing I won't be needing to lie to her anymore."

Adrian handed Plagg a piece of camembert. Plagg immediately threw it into his mouth and spoke.

"You think we can trust her?"

Adrien pinched his nose as Plagg had a mouth full of camembert and was in his face.

"Gross Plagg."

Adrian stared out onto his window and sighed.

"Do you think we should go see her?"

Plagg rolled his eyes as he pulled onto Adrian's shirt.

"Aww boo hoo Adrien's in love, blah blah hand me more camembert."

Adrian huffed and reluctantly agreed to give him one more piece.

"Plagg claws out!"


Do I have feelings for Adrien or feelings for Chat Noir? I mean there the same people but in a way there different?

Claire thought to herself as she walked over to her closet with a towel around her body. She heard a knock on the door when she frantically turned around to see Chat Noir standing in the doorway. She ran back into the bathroom and quickly put a baggy shirt and shorts on.


Claire yelled out as she brushed her hair.

Crap where's my bra?!

Another knock came from the balcony door. Claire frustratingly sighed as she looked around for a bra. She opened the balcony door and standing there was Chat.

"Chat what are you doing here?"

Claire frantically ran back inside her apartment to continue her search.

"You don't have to call me Chat when it's just the two of us. I only come as Chat Noir when I need to get out of the house."

Claire wasn't paying attention to him at all. She was still looking under her bed as Chat stood there rubbing the back of his neck.

"Claire? Are you okay?"

Claire huffed as she felt extremely frustrated and turned away from him.

"Uhm I'm trying to look for something."

She finally spotted it behind her nightstand and she grabbed it and hid it behind her back.

"Can you turn around and cover your eyes for a second?"

Chat raised a questionable eyebrow and turned around. Claire quickly threw off her shirt and clipped it on. She struggled to put the shirt back on, which caused her to trip on her bed and fall to the ground.

"Claire? Are you ok?"

Chat quickly turned around to see Claire on the floor with her shirt stuck to her head. She had accidentally put her head through the armholes. Chat raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Haha very funny can you please help?"

An embarrassed Claire tried to wiggle herself out but it just made things worse. She felt leathered hands run against her body, Chat slowly lifted her shirt off her head and smiled once he saw her face.

"Hey, little lady."

Claire couldn't help but stare up at Chat Noir who was smiling while he flipped the shirt that had been inside out. Claire covered her body with her hands as Chat pulled her shirt over her head and onto her body. As soon as her shirt was on, he lowered his hands onto her waist and Claire looked up.

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