14. Taking the Lead

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**edited- added visual*
A/N - this is my lame attempt on creating a visual for Whiplash. Someday hopefully I can draw her out to scale but till now this will have to do.


Whiplash raced through the roofs of Paris. She could see the faint silhouette of Chat Noir beside her. They approached the explosion but remained a safe distance.

"What do you think it is?"

Whiplash turned to face Chat Noir who had been dialing Ladybug on his staff. She rolled her eyes and reverted her eyes to the explosion.

"We should wait for Ladybug."

Chat Noir spoke as he looked at the damage. Whiplash hesitated but agreed. The two took comfortable positions on the roof, keeping a close eye on the city.

After a few minutes, another faint explosion could be heard coming from the distance. Whiplash whipped her way towards the park, where the explosion had been set off. In the middle of the park laid a giant present.

"It's not my birthday but appreciate the gesture."

The sneaky cat crawled up behind Whiplash and pulled out his staff.

"I know we are supposed to wait for Ladybug. But we have to stop these explosions and this present could be the way."

Whiplash faced Chat Noir with her arms crossed. Chat Noir looked down at Ladybug's contact and sighed. He reluctantly nodded his head, allowing Whiplash to walk towards the present.

"Be careful little lady. You don't know what's in the present."

Whiplash stood in her tracks before she could touch the present. The present was fuming purple smoke like it was burning a fire inside.

"Watch out!"

Whiplash yelled at Chat Noir who couldn't see the purple creature approaching behind him. She brought Chat Noir closer as they stood in front of the purple creature. The present opened and began rapidly oozing out steaming purple liquid. Whiplash whipped the creature causing it to disintegrate into the liquid. The liquid approached and could be felt by the superheroes.

"Come on Chat! We have to go!"

The two superheroes leaped onto the roof of a nearby building and watched the liquid rapidly start to fill up the park and the rest of the street.

"It's like lava."

Whiplash looked over Chat Noir, who was once again dialing Ladybug.

"The purple thingy, I whipped it and it melted. But it was alive?"

Chat Noir was paying no attention to Whiplash. She hated when he did this, he would ignore every discovery to call Ladybug.

"Look I'm sure wherever Ladybug is she will join us when she can. For now, we have to do this together."

Whiplash put her head on his staff and lowered it. The two looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Whiplash could see straight through, all she saw was Adrien. Her Adrien.

Chat Noir or Adrien. It didn't matter because all she knew is that she was in love with the guy. Outside the mask.

Chat Noir noticed something in her eyes. He didn't see just another superhero, and he didn't see just Whiplash. There was something about her eyes that was so familiar to him. He just couldn't figure out what.

"Chat? You there?"

She had her hand on his shoulder, gently shaking the mesmerized Chat Noir. Another explosion could be heard from the distance. And another. And another. Soon multiple explosions could be heard coming all over the city.

invisible ✦ miraculous ladybug auWhere stories live. Discover now