27. Coming Home

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**This chapter has lots of filler on Claire's past. lots of long paragraphs.**


The doctor clicked her pen and sat next to Claire. Claire fidgeted with her hands as the doctor asked her questions. She was struggling to remember certain things but eventually it came back into her memory. She was slowly making progress.

"Claire, have you always had a stutter?"

Claire shook her head and the doctor jotted down some notes on her clipboard.

"How are you feeling now Claire? Do you still have that headache from earlier?"

Claire shook her head, remembering the massive headache she had earlier.

"I f-feel fine."

The doctor clicked her pen and held her things in one hand.

"We will have to keep you overnight for observation if all goes well you will be able to go home tomorrow."

The doctor proceeded to stand up and walk towards the door. Claire awkwardly waved goodbye as she watched to doctor walk. The doctor stopped in her tracks before exiting the room.


Claire rubbed her eyes and looked at the doctor in the doorway.

"You said you don't have any immediate family?"

Claire nodded, feeling a sense of guilt. The doctor reassured Claire with a smile before exiting the room.

Well, that was weird.

~the next day~

All of Claire's friends had visited the girl since she had woken up. Well, at least most of her friends. Today she was getting discharged and will be able to finally go home. She was excited to go back home but she wasn't excited to come home to an empty apartment.

Luka offered to stay with her but she declined, not wanting to be any more of a burden.

"Luka, I can walk on my own."

The brunette girl spoke as she pushed herself off her bed, Luka remained in front of her waiting to help her.

"Of course Claire. I'm sorry."

He apologized, taking a step back and allowing Claire to walk around her room. It felt amazing for Claire to finally stretch her legs out.

"Are you excited? To go back home I mean?"

Luka asked as he finished packing the last present into a duffel bag. Claire lifted her arms in the air, stretching her back and groaning loudly.

"Excited to go home to an empty home. Woo?"

Claire sarcastically sat down on a nearby chair as she weakly smiled back. Luka sat next to her and pulled Claire into a side hug.

"Claire. I know you don't want me to, but I could always stay with you for a few nights."

"No Luka. I already feel bad enough you spent all your afternoons with me when I was asleep. I'll be fine on my own. I've always been."

Claire dug her head on Luka's chest, feeling his heart pounding against his chest.

"Fine but I will help you carry these endless gift bags and gifts."

Luka kissed Claire on the head before they both shared a laugh. Soon a knock could be heard.

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong room."

Luka quietly spoke out, looking back at the adult woman.

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