chapter 54

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"Dirty fighting!" Nate calls. I look out the window and see a gun aimed at me.

"What did dad say?" I ask.

"He said yes!" Nate yells happily.

I don't believe him and duck back inside the house. Dad wouldn't let that right?

"I have a plan." I say with a smirk. The two alphas look at me.

"I bolt and they will follow. They are after me and I know this forest like the back of my hand. Then you two can get ahead somehow and work your way towards them. Or follow behind and shoot them." I say sitting up and peeking out the window.

Nate is patrolling. Jack is hiding, quite obviously, in a tree and Sam is no where to be found.

"No." Tyler says. "There is some other way. That plan is too risky."

"Eh, worth a shot?" I ask lifting my gun. I aim it at Nate and pull the trigger. His vest lights up and he turns to the window, where I am hiding under.

"Another idea. There is three of them and three of us." Aiden says.

"I don't see Sam though." I look out the window and Nate is gone too. Jack is looking under the house and my eyes widen.

I grab Tyler and move him to the corner. "Sit!"


"Because-" I get cut off by loud banging from under Tyler's feet. Tyler instantly drops to a sit and I go back to the window.

"That's why!" I whisper yell. I look out the window and see Jack pointing towards us. His eyes are trained from under the house. I lift my gun and aim at Jack.

I briefly see something fly before my gun is fall out the window and I'm laying on the ground on the house. Tyler rushes over and rubs my forehead gently, trying to clean off the paint.

I groan and roll over, holding my head in my hands. "That son of a bitch!"

"What happened?" Aiden asks standing over the trap door.

"That bitch shot me on the fucking forehead!" I grind my teeth to not yell out in pain. Tyler is growling lowly.

"Got your gun, baby sister!" Nate yells.

I groan and lean into Tyler. "Can you get the pill bottle inside the fridge?"

Aiden stands and gets two pills for me and brings back a water bottle. I take the pills and place the left over water in the fridge.

Tyler pulled off the backpack earlier I'm guessing because right now it is by the fridge. I grab it and open it. I pull out a key.

"Time to get better supplies." I smile.

"Princess? Are you okay?" I hear a wolf ask.

"Shot me in the damn head!"

"Telling Alpha, princess." The wolf responds.

I open the door and pull my mini gun out. I look around and see Jack looking at the window and Nate is sleeping underneath. I shoot both of them and grab the rope for the ladder. I throw it down and grab a spare rope for if we want to practice stunts.

Nate jerks awake when the paintball hit his vest and Jack fell out of the tree. I get a good grip on the rope and place the key in my bra. It's a safe place don't judge.

I run and leap off of the deck and swing with the rope. I let go mid air and land in a crouch.

"Get her!" Nate yells.

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