chapter 25

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I turn to look and see Tyler pinned to the floor  with wolves above him. They flash their long fangs above him, ready for attack. They growl and started digging their canines into him and ripping away flesh and fur.

I start to panic for a split second and think of what to do. My gun! I pull out my gun and shoot each of them with deadly accuracy. I put it back between my pants and waist for the next use.

I run up to Tyler and he's standing and shaking. I can see him healing quickly. He places the side of his head on my chest and closes his eyes. I start to pet him and feel his muscles twitch. I can't help it! He's so soft and fluffy.

"Thank you. I don't know what happened to me. I guess I faltered in my steps." He says, voice strained like he wants to say something but changed his mind.

I don't think that is true. "Tell me the truth please. I only want honesty." I look into his eye that is facing me.

He falls to the ground and lays there. I start to panic but realized he must be exhausted.  I sit beside him and stroke his fur. He cuddles closer to me and places his head on my leg. He closes his eyes and he falls asleep. I give off a slight chuckle.

"Shadows?" I ask, will they help me?

We will always help you master!

What would you like?

They are always so peppy. I like it. It's almost comforting. Almost.

"Can you hide us if any of the rogues or vampires come? But help guide anyone I know and like to us if they are looking for us?" That's a lot to ask.


I sigh in relief and look and see the bodies of wolves still breathing. I thought I killed them? I go to stand but Tyler snuggles closer to me and start to purr. I smile and pet him. I don't like being this close tl dangerous things without my weapons.

"Summer!" I hear men yelling. "Summer! Where are you? Come out little princess. We are trying to help!"

I look around and feel the presence of about a dozen men. I can fight them if I need to. Plus I have a gun. One of them steps into the clearing and lifts his nose to smell the air.

He growls. "I know you are here, pup. Come out."

Shit! I forgot about scent! What should I do? Should I wake Tyler up? Should I just shoot him? No that will draw attention to this spot and they will be curious why their friend is shot with no one around.

The guy turns his head and looks directly at me. I am frozen in his furious gaze.

I shake Tyler to try and wake him up.

"Tyler! Wake up! There are men here!" I say and my voice gives away worry.

He immediately wakes and jumps up in a defensive postition. He's standing above me, growling at the guy. I stand and tell the shadows to pull away. I see his eyes flicker with brief shock before turning  feral.

"About time princess. We've been looking for you!" He says with a hiss.

"Who?" I want to know if it's someone I know.

"Drake was thrilled when he found out his brother was dead." Vampires! Not fucking again! "He always hated him. He wants to talk to you about it. See if he can make a peace treaty between us and the wolves." The guys says with a laugh. "Like that will ever fucking happen."

"Then why attack us? And I don't think you're part of this." He's looking at us like he wants to kill us.

He raised a brow. "Do you want me to bring Drake here? I can if you want." He says reaching to his pocket.

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