chapter 56

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Nate and I pull into headquarters and lets put this bluntly. It is chaos. Compete and utter chaos. Everyone is running around in stages of being dressed and carrying dangerous weapons.

Where the hell is commander?

I park and pull my helmet off. I run up the steps to face the whole lot. I cow whistle and everyone freezes. They slowly turn to me and gather around. I stand straighter and meet their eyes.

"Hey! This is what they want! Are we going to show them that the loss of our men will stop us from showing who is superior? They won't know who beat their asses if we get our shit together. We need to stay calm and collected. Get your suits on and get in this lot. Everyone who knows how to fight get ready and get your guns ready. Pack throwing knives too and equip yourself with your best weapon. I want you out here ASAP. I am taking matters in my own hands so I am now the commander. Are we clear?" I announce.

"Sir yes sir!" They yell back.

"Good! Now go go go!" I yell, pointing to the house.

They all scramble and run in. An older man walks up to me.

"Commander." I say offering a hand.

He shakes it. "Woods. There is only one other person that can do that here and that is me. I would want to thank you for doing this. I know I said no but our numbers are too low for me to deny one of the best fighters I have."

"Thank you, sir." I give him a smile.

He smiles back. "Now what's your plan? I've known you for a while now to know that you have a plan in the most important situations."

"I'm going to call in my Strikers and we are going to do a sweep through. Then I'm going to call in the trackers and see if they find anybody we missed and I can send in the Strikers again. I'm going to split them into three sections. The first group will go in first and the second will go in with the trackers and the third will go in last for security issues. I'm going to call in some friends from Canada and maybe Spain. They might help me."

"Alright, Woods. Suit up yourself. And add flair. I want to see you beat asses with humor." Commander orders half-hearted.

"Sir yes sir." I say with a salute. He chuckles and walks away. I break into laughter. I feel pain of nails against my skin suddenly. I fix my clothes to look to see if I am but anywhere. But I'm not bleeding, not a tiny bit so why do I feel like this? Where did this pain come from?

"I thought you didn't follow orders?" Nate asks confused.

"Oh I don't. He knows that. He was just trying to humor me."

He gives me an 'I have to live with this?' look. "Do you still have your suit?"



I fall to my knees and hands while holding back all the pain, sadness, and longing for him to be near. Him not being here causes me pain. I felt it throught the bond and its like it increased everything I pushed down and made it something I can't live with.

How the hell am I suppose to go through with this while I feel like this? I won't survive. I am barely surviving now without him near. Why is this happening? I've never heard this happen before! So why does my life have to be screwed up?!

Nate crouched beside me and holds me close. He is rubbing my arms and it slightly gets rid of the pain. Slightly.

He's not mate.

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