chapter 51

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"Okay. Give me the phone." Dad says standing.

"They said they wanted to talk to their Luna. Who is that?" The guy asks.

"Give me the phone." Dad commands.

The guy yelps and hands dad the phone befire running out of the room. Dad puts it on speaker.

"Hello?" Dad asks.

"You aren't Summer." Jake's voice cracks through the phone.

"Jake!" I yell excited.

"No you got it wrong. My name is Jack." Jack says walking into my room with my necklace swinging from his finger.

"No. My name is Jake. I'm Tyler's beta. The one who saved your best friend from Tyler." Jake explains.

"Well nice to meet you. Thank you for doing that." Jack says to the phone.

"Why did you call?" I ask.

"Check up on you. You seem fine, but boy do I wish Tyler was. He won't stop pacing and growling. The he stops and howls in pain and it's horrible, Summer. He won't talk or eat." Jake's voice cracks.

I lift my head up and look to dad. He nods, knowing my plan. "Jake. Go to the room Tyler's in. Let him hear me talk. It will calm him some."

"As you wish Luna." Jake says. The phone sounds like it's being carried in a pocket.

"Here's your necklace. I took your bike if you don't mind. Thats why I'm back so fast." Jack hands me my necklace.

I smile and hold it in my hand. I place the ring on my desk and play with the charm on my necklace.

"Tyler! Listen to me! She's on the-"

"No! She fucking left me!"

"Tyler?" I ask into the phone. "You there? Or is it Carson?"

"You son of a prick! Don't mess with me! I'm already stressed enough! No more fucking jokes, Jake!" Tyler yells.

My eyes widen. "Holy son of a biscuit. I thought my temper tantrums were bad." I say to dad.

Dad chuckles. "He's an alpha male whose mate left him. Not reject, left. He has full right to this tantrum."

"Tyler! Your MATE is on the phone!" Jake yells.

We hear a thump and the phone hitting something. There is growling and punching going on.

"Tyler?" I say a little louder. "You there?"

"St-stop! I'm your beta! Not a rogue. I came to tell you Summer called!" Jake yells.

"I didn't call-" I get cut off by a hand over my mouth. I look up and meet Jack's eyes. He shakes his head and mouths 'go with it' to me.

I pull his hand away from my mouth. "Yeah. I called."

I hear a groan and someone dropped to the floor. The phone is picked up. "Summer?" Tyler's voice asks in disbelief.

"Yep. It's all me." I grin and silently snicker.

Jack hops on my bed and lays on his stomach facing me. Dad sits on the bed beside Jack

"Oh my gosh, baby. Are you okay? Has anyone touched you? Are you home? Did you brother hurt you? Has anyone looked at you? If someone did they will wish they never had eyes." He blurts out.

"Whoa! Take a breather. I'm fine and I'm at home. I called to check up on you. Have you come up with a plan yet?" I say. I start to spin in my chair.

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