chapter 19

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Tourniquets- the plural form of tourniquet.  Which means he was seriously attacked. I feel my knees weaken and I hold onto Jack's fur tighter.

They slowly lead me into the room. Too slowly if you ask me. I see dead bodies of vampires everywhere, some decapitated and some with no limbs. In the center of the room, Tyler is laying on the floor with too much blood around him for me to be comfortable. My heart and stomach drops while tears fill my eyes. My breaths come in shallow gasps. Dillon is right.

I immediately let go of Jack's fur and run to Tyler's side. I sit next to him and look him over. He has blood caked over his clothes and body while his face shows complete pain even when he is unconscious, that jusy shows how much pain he is in. My hands hover over him in fear of harming him even more. I see his chest barely lifting showing me that he's breathing. Thank god.

"Jack, go get my kit." I say looking up at him.

"But... he's alive. He's healing let me get the nurse." Jack tries to persuade me.

"Go get my kit!" I yell. My mate ks dieing right before my eyes and I'm not leaving him.

"Let me get the nurse instead!" Jack pleads.

"JACK WILLIAM RICHARDSON! GO GET ME MY KIT!" I snap, almsot growling. I need my kit now.

I see a bunch of the wolves jump back and bow their heads. Jack lets out a whimper and runs off. I look back down at Tyler and place my hands on his face. The heat slowly starts to travel up my arms signalling that he isn't dead.

I hear him give off the smallest moan, not knowing if it is pleasure or pain. I notice bits of fabric tied around his arms and his calfs. I tuck my hair behind my ears since I don't have a tie to tie it up with.

"Would you like me to help?" Alpha Dillon asks.

I look up to him. "If you would like. You don't have to be in your wolf form anymore. I would like to talk all of you without giving myself a headache."

He lowers his head in a nod and they all run off.

I look at Tyler and begin whispering. "I'm so so sorry, baby. I never meant for this to happen. You should have just ran and let me deal with my issuesnon my own. Do you know how bad I missed you? I was scared and you weren't there for me in rhebone time Iprobably would have loved comfort."

I close my eyes to try keeping my tears from falling. I lower my head to his chest. I hear a slight rumble. I open my eyes. Did I imagine that? I place my ear against his chest, gently, almost not touching his chest gently, to feel and hear a rumble. He's purring.

"You're purring." I whisper to him.

I hear feet running into the room and see Jack, fully dressed, carrying my kit. He drops into a crouch on the other side of Tyler and hands me the kit. I take it and place it on the floor. I open it and skim through it.

It is filled with almost every medical thing that can be packed into a sports bag. I pull out a syringe. I lift uonto read the label on it. It's the pain reliever. I pull the cap off with my teeth and put the needle in his neck. I empty the syringeninto the bloosyream andbit begins taking effect almost immediately letting his body quickly relax.

I hear two other sets of feet run in. I look up after I pull the needle out. I see one boy carrying a bucket of water and the other one, closer to the age of eight, holding rags and a set of clothes. The one holding clothes looks like James and Dillon.

"Alpha says this is for you to clean him with." The one holding the rags and clothes says. "The clothes are for your mate." He sits next to me holding onto the clothes, making sure his eyes are cast down.

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