Chapter 22: The Letters

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Dylan's P.O.V

"What do you remember?"

Everybody keeps asking that. I remember a lot. I remember Sadie and I. I remember Ashley. She saw us. I wish I hadn't done it. But I did. I regret it.

I remember chasing her to her room, to explain. There was nothing to really explain. She saw it. She knew.

I remember hearing her cry. Because I was the one that was supposed to keep her going. I was the one think that helped her live through her past. And I ruined it.

I remember the silence. I remember breaking down the door. I remember the pill bottle. She took every last pill.

She got what she wanted. I wish she hadn't.

I remember Sadie. She was a mess. Me. I was even worse. I remember the four envelopes.

"I remember too much." I finally answer. I look into her moms eyes. Her and Ashley's father were out- I don't know where but somewhere.

Her eyes are lost. Puffy. She nods. I open my mouth, beginning to apologize, but she stops me. "Don't. Dylan. She's gone. There's nothing you can say or do to make this better." She hands me the envelope with my name on it and walks away.

I look down at the envelope. In Ashley's shaky hand writing, my name is carved onto the front of the envelope.

This is the letter she wrote to me before she killed herself.

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