Chapter 14

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Sadie is still holding out her hand. How is this possible? "How old are you?" I blurt out.

Sadie puts her hand down and looks a bit confused. "Sixteen." She whispers. How is she the same age as me? Did my dad cheat on my mom? I turn and run to my room.

I sit in the edge of my bed. I burry my face in my hands. Sadie comes and sits next to me. "Hey." I look up. What does this bitch want?

"Okay," she continues. "Listen. I'm going to be living with you," great, this bitch is moving in. "and I really do want us to get along. My friend and I are going to a party tonight. Do you wanna come?"

I look at her for a moment. I kind of feel bad for thinking that she's a bitch... "Yeah, okay. Sounds fun." She smiles.

"Yay! Do you have a cute outfit to wear?"

I think I might actually like Sadie. "Uh, I don't look good in a dress-"

"Come on." She begs. "You'd look hot in a dress."

"Im not sure-"

"Come onnnn!" She stands up and opens my closet. She pulls out the only dress I own. It's red and barely reaches my knees. I haven't worn it in a long time.

"Oh! Try this on." I'm open my mouth to protest but she asks again. "Please Ashley." I give in. Once she sees my cuts she'll understand and let me change.

I slip on the dress and tell Sadie she can look now. She gasps. "You look beautiful." I was not expecting that.

"I'm not sure I should-"

"Ashley." Sadie says. "You look amazing. Everybody at that party will agree."

"Okay." I decide I'll wear it. "What are you wearing?" I ask.

Sadie leaves my room and comes back a few minutes later with a purple dress in her hands.

After we are both in our dresses and have our hair nicely done Sadie says we should get going.

We slip out the door easily, because our parents think we're bonding, which I guess we are. The drive isn't that long. It's about ten minutes. Although Sadie has to park sort of away from the house because there are so many cars. We walk up to the giant house crowded with teenagers holding red plastic cups. I've never been to a high school party, and I'm kind of glad I haven't. There is music blasting and too many people.

Once we get inside Sadie hugs a girl with brown hair. "Ashley," Sadie says. "This is Daniela. And her boyfriend Luke." She points to a tall cute guy with blonde hair. He also appears to have a lip ring. I shake both of their hands.

Sadie tells us she's going to get a few drinks, so I'm left awkwardly standing there with Daniela and Luke. "So how do you know Sadie?" Daniela eventually asks to break the silence.

"Oh, she's my step sister...I guess."

"Oh." Daniela perks up a bit. "She told me that she was going to meet her stepsister! We are going to be spending a lot of time together." Daniela seems really sweet. Daniela Luke and I talk the rest of the time. I barely notice that Sadie hasn't come back with our drinks until she comes towards us, pulling some guy by his hand.

Sadie smiles and the guy puts his arm around her waist. I think I might throw up. "Guys," Sadie starts off. "I met this really nice guy. His name is Dean."


Hey so I added a few new characters. :3 I felt it was fair to add Daniela ( daniela_bos ) in my book, because she added me in hers and she is my best friend c: I also added her bae Luke (; xD

I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it was kind of boring /.\ I'll be posting again soon :*

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