Chapter 13

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I get up to get a drink of water, expecting to see my mom tumbling in with a bottle of beer in her hand. Instead I see my dads hand in hers.

"Ashley!" My mom begins. I roll my eyes and turn in the direction of my room. "Ashley. Listen to me." I stand still, my back still facing my mom. "Your dad did what he needed to protect us, but he's here to stay now."

I turn around and study my moms face. She truly believes nothing is wrong with this. "You don't get it mom, that means for the past ten years, when I thought you always got drunk over my dead dad, you really had no reason to be drunk."

"Ashley I drank because of you!" She shouts. I want to throw up. My own mother tells me the reason she drinks. Lovely. "Ashley." She whispers, obviously regretting what she just said. I shake my head and begin to walk away.

Then I hear a high pitched voice. "Dad, did you tell her about me?" I turn to see a girl, about my age, with curly blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed really nice.

She sees me and holds out her hand. "I'm Sadie. Your- uh, stepsister."

Sorry this chapter is short /.\ I just felt I should end it here :3 Thanks for reading I'll post the next chapter soon C:

Btw the picture I used for this chapter is how I picture Sadie to look :3

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