Chapter 12

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As soon as the doctors noticed I was awake they gave me medicine that knocked me out. I open my eyes to see him. Not Dylan, my dad.

"I went to your funeral." That's the first thing I say. Luckily my voice is back.

"Yeah. Uhm,"

"If you were alive all this time how come you never came back?"

"Ashley. Let me explain." I stare at him in disbelief, still trying to comprehend how my dad, who is supposed to be dead, is standing in front of me. "I got caught up in some really bad stuff when you were about six. It was over drugs. A lot of people wanted me dead. So I figured, if I was already dead, they can't kill me. And I needed to protect you and your mom. So I faked funeral. And it's safe for me to be back now and I heard you were in the hospital-"

"What is wrong with you?" I spit out. "You can't make me think your dead, leave me with a drunk lady for ten years, and come back when I hit rock bottom."

"Ashley, please-"

"Go." My voice is shaky. But not from what ever is wrong with me, from anger. "You left me once it can't be that hard again. I don't want to see your face."

He doesn't argue. He turns around and walks out the door.


A nurse comes in and tells me that what occurred with me was caused by my anxiety. She tells me I am free to go.

Dylan drives me home. My mom is gone, probably stocking up on beer, so I ask Dylan to keep me company.

"You should lay down." Dylan tells me. So I do.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I watch her. She's asleep. I'm laying next to her. I can't fall asleep. I wasn't there for her once, even when I promised I would be- that can't happen again.

She begins to blink her eyes. "Hey." She smiles.

"Hi." I kiss her forehead.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm- I've been better." I watch her. "Can I ask you something Dylan?"


"Are you with me so you can hook up with me?"


"Is what Lana said true?"

I prop myself up on my elbow. "Ashley. I don't know what Lana told you. But you know why I'm with you. I'm not using you." I kiss her lips and I notice a smile spread across her face.

"I know I'm a lot to handle." She whispers. "I'm sorry."

"I like to stay busy." She smiles again. I love being able to make her smile.

I hear the front door close. Her mom must be home. "I should probably go." I tell her. "Your mom doesn't like me already. You gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine Dylan." I kiss her forehead and stand up. "You should probably go out the window." She laughs a little.

I climb out her window and head back home. I keep texting her though, because I'm scared. I'm scared I'm going to lose somebody I care about again. I can't lose Ashley. I can't.

Hey guys so if you could leave comments and tell me what you think or anything that I could improve that would be really cool :3 thanks c:

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