Chapter 26: Dylans Letter

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Dylan's P.O.V.


I remember, 12 months ago, everybody telling me things would get better. But look at me now, I'm in the exact. Damn. Place.

It always sucks. Life just sucks.

And yeah, I'm sure it sucks for a lot of people, but for me, it just keeps getting worse.

It hasn't gotten better. It never will. Because year after year, people tell me it will get better, that they'll always be there for me, then they leave.

See, you may think this letter is to tell you how much I hate you.

But I don't.

I love you.

I don't want you to feel like kissing Sadie is what made me want to do this to myself, because that wasn't the entire reason.

I was just at a point, where I was a stitch away from making it and a scar away from falling apart.

I was just waiting to see if anything ever went right.

It didn't.

It all went terribly wrong.

You're probably confused why I'm not mad at you.

It's because, people suck. Every damn person on this planet sucks. We're all terrible people. Me too. As well as you.

And, you see, I knew you were going to break my heart, and I was sure as hell going to let you, because, for the longest time, you truly made me happy again.

You made life worth living.

And I can't thank you enough.

But, eventually, we all run out of stuff to give others.

All I asked from you was happiness. I knew you couldn't supply it forever.

That's okay.

Because whatever I ever brought anyone in life, it's gone.

I still love you.

The question is, do you still love me?

Maybe I'll never know. I'm not really sure how death works.

Maybe I'll be reincarnated. Maybe I'll go to heaven. Or hell, killing yourself probably won't get you into heaven, but whatever. Or maybe I'll be left on this planet, lingering around, watching everybody's reaction to my death.

I hope I find out, if you still love me.

I know you weren't expecting an apology from me, but I'm sorry.

You gave up on me, but I gave up on you as well, and I'm sorry for that.

I just really fucking love you, which makes this so much harder.

Before I do it, I left you a pile of Steven King books in the abandoned library. They're my favorites.



"I do Ashley." I whisper. "I still love you, I always have, and I always will. I love you Ashley."

I tried to save her.

But I couldn't. I couldn't save her. Instead I ruined her.


Hey guys. This is the end of my book..I hope you liked it /.\ xD I keep wanting to write other books, but then I end up not liking them.

But I might write another book soon so be ready xD


Do not believe, that because my book ended the way it did, that death fixes things.

It fixes absolutely nothing.

You don't even know if the pain stops after death.

And I know I've said it a million times, but it's true, suicide doesn't get rid of the pain, it just gives the pain to someone else.

If you're ever going through anything and the thought even crosses your mind, do not hesitate to tell somebody, because you're life is worth living.

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