Chapter 25: Deans letter

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Deans P.O.V


I bet you weren't expecting a letter from me.

No. I was not Ashley.

Well, I hope you enjoy this little surprise.

No. No, I'm not enjoying this at all.

You're probably not enjoying this letter. I guess we're equal now.

Because I certainly did not enjoy what you did to me.

Did that thought ever occur to you?

Are you even ashamed of yourself.

Yes. I am. I hate myself for what I did to you Ashley.

Well. I don't care if you are or not.

It's too late.

But, hey, you don't have to go to court.

What were you going to say at court?

Were you going to deny it?

Yes. Yes I was.

What if you knew I was going to kill myself? Would you have denied it?

No, no Ashley I would have admitted to what I did. I would have told you how sorry I am for what I did.

Funny, how as soon as somebody decides to kill them self, people change.

Why does it take a death for people to open their damn eyes?

Maybe you can answer that?

Probably not.

You disgust me.

I will never forgive you, because you took something from me that I can never take back.

I will always hate you.


I throw the letter down.

I look at her grave.

The flowers I gave her are still there.

I'm surprised, considering they didn't let me come to the funeral.

There is no justifiable reason for what I did to Ashley.

But at the time, I let myself believe that I did it because I was jealous.

I was jealous that she got to have Dylan and I didn't.

But there is no reason for what I did.

Because the boy I've been crushing on since the third grade, he hates me. Just like the girl he's in love with, she hates me too, and she's not even here.

I hate myself too.

I hate myself so much.

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