Chapter One

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I look at my body in the mirror. It's one of the many things I've destroyed. There's cuts. Everywhere. Blood drips down my leg while I hold, in my shaky hand, the blade.

It will always be like this. I will always be made fun of, I will always be ugly, I will always be annoying, I will always cut. And it's always been that way. Always.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I stare at her. She's reading a book. I have no idea what book, but she seems to be hypnotized by it. She brushes a piece of her black hair out of her face. Her jacket sleeve begins to fall, but she refuses to let it show her wrist. I think I know why.

"Ashley." Mr. Newcome calls on her. "Do you have the answer to number twelve?"

Ashley freezes. "Uhm. I-it's, uh is it c?" A few people laugh. Mr. Newcome holds out his hand and Ashley gives up her book. More people make a few rude remarks. She buries her face in the palm of her hands. She stays like that the rest of class.

Ashley's P.O.V.

The bell rings and I stay in my desk until everybody else has left. Once the last person leaves I stand up and walk towards Mr. Newcomes desk. I open my mouth to say something, but he hands me back my book before I get the chance. I take it and shove it in my bag.

I rush out the door, but once I turn the corner I bump into Dylan Baker. One of the most popular guys in school. I begin to pick up my papers that I dropped and he helps me.

"Sorry." I say.

"Why are you apologizing?" He chuckles. "I was the one in your way."

"I-uhm, I uh-" I can't seem to make the words come out of my mouth.

We stand up at the same time and he hands me my papers while laughing. "You're cute." He tells me.

"Thanks, uh I've gotta go to class." I shove past him. Oh god, I was so stupid. Why didn't I stay and talk to him? I rush off to my next class.


Sorry it switches P.O.V. So much /.\ I haven't really decided on a cover for the book so just ignore the one I have for now xD

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