Chapter Six

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Dylan's P.O.V.

"And turn left here." Ashley points to her street. "Yup, that's my house." I pull up in her driveway. I jump out of my seat, run to her door, and open it for her before she gets the chance to open it for herself. She gets out. We are standing close. "Thanks." She whispers.

I smile at her, and right before I say something I hear "Ashley what the fuck." I turn around. I see a lady, who I'm guessing is her mom, holding a beer bottle with messy hair.

"Mom." Ashley whispers. Her eyes begin to water up.

"Do you know what time it is?" Ashley's mom yells at her.

"Mom," Ashley's voice cracks. "It's barely six."

"Get the fuck in the house."

Ashley turns and faces me. She's about to cry. "I'm sorry." She whispers. She turns and runs into her house as her mother follows behind.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I bury my face in my pillow. I hear my mom pop open another beer bottle. She walks into my room. "Mom, why are you drinking again?"

"Mind your own damn business." She hisses at me. She almost falls over, but catches herself by balancing herself on the wall. She's been drinking all day. I get up, take the beer from her and lead her to her room. I lay her down in her bed and throw covers over her, and she passes out immediately.

I sit at my desk, waiting for the bell to ring. It eventually does. I keep my head down and shove my way out the door. "Ashley!" I hear him shout. I turn around. Dylan runs over to me. "Hey, Ashley."

I laugh. "I'm surprised you still want to talk to me, I thought my mom scared you off."

"Ashley," he bites his bottom lip. "I told you I'm not going to leave you." He looks at me and smiles, and I smile back. "Hey, I've gotta go, but do you wanna hang out tomorrow?

"Yeah." He smiles.

"Cool. See you tomorrow." He turns the other way and walks away.

I continue walking he hall, when I'm pushed against the locker. "Hey, babe." Dean whispers in my ear.

"Dean, get off me." He pushes himself closer to me and puts his hands on my waist.

"It's okay babe. This is what you and Dylan do, right?" I look around, but nobody else is in the hall.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I look around the room. Ashley isn't here today. Something's wrong. When the final bell rings I run out of the class and to my car.

I pull up at her house. I grab the flowers that are sitting in the passenger seat. I jump out of the car, walk up to her door and ring the bell. Nobody answers. I bang on the door. Nobody answers. I look around, and notice Ashley's moms car isn't here. "Fuck." I run back to my car and speed off down the road.

I park my car and run up the steps of the library. I push open the door, and I see her, laying in the bean bag chair. "Ashley?" She's crying. I run up to her. I kneel next to her and she clings to me. I hug her back. "Shh. Its okay." She sobs more. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Dean," she manages to heave out between breathes. "He- he raped me." She begins to cry harder.

I hug her tighter. "I'm here with you now. Shh." She begins to calm down and I kiss the top of her head. "I'm here with you. I'm not leaving." She eventually falls asleep in my arms.

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