Chapter 11

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Dylan is sick today, so I have nobody to talk to in class. That's probably good though because I need to start actually paying attention.

I don't even notice what I'm doing until I bump into somebody. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Oh Lana, hey, sorry I was-"

"What the fuck ever you freak." Lana says.

"Excuse me?"

Lana walks closer to me and talks obnoxiously loud to where anyone in the hall can hear. "You're a freak Ashley. You cut yourself, you threw yourself at Dean until he hooked up with you, then you threw yourself at Dylan, making him believe that you truly have issues. Give me a break, bitch! We all know you're playing depressed girl to get some from Dylan. So cut the act." She shoves past me, intentionally ramming into my shoulder.

I turn and see everybody staring at me. Whispering. I make my way down the hall, trying to keep my self together. "What a slut." I hear. Everybody is talking shit about me now.

I can't breathe. I run into the bathroom and lock the stall. I can't breathe. Tears rush down my face. Everybody knows I cut. Everybody thinks I slept with Dean. Everybody thinks I'm sleeping with Dylan. Everybody thinks I'm faking being sad. I collapse on the ground and cry. I try to breathe but it's impossible. I can't. I can't breathe.


I remember bits. That's it. I remember heaving for breaths on the bathroom floor. I remember being carried out on a stretcher, everybody watching. I remember being hooked up to a bunch of machines.

I manage to open my eyes. I see him. "Dylan." I manage to say, but my voice is weak and it's hard to talk.

He jumps up and pulls a chair next to my hospital bed. He brushes a piece of hair out of my face. "Hey." He smiles.

"What-" I start to cough. Damn it, why can't I breathe?

"Shhh." Dylan places one hand on my face and makes circles with his thumb. "You're going to be okay babe. Don't talk, the doctor said its bad for you."


"Ashley." Dylan reaches for my hand. "Somebody else is here to see you." I give him a confused look. He must have noticed. "Your dad. He's here to see you."

That's impossible. My dad is dead.


Okay hi. C: Just wanted to say please don't be like 'she's overreacting on such a stupid little thing' because some people are impacted to much by somebody saying even the littlest things and it a builds up and they will just fall apart, even if you're not aware, so yes, it is possible to freak out over something like that...anywayss I hope you liked this chapter :P I've been trying to make my chapters longer too xD Well the next chapter should be really good so keep reading pleasee :3

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