Chapter Nine

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I sit across from Dylan and next to Rebecca. Dylan's dad is sitting at the head of the table and his mom at the end and his little sister next to Dylan.

"So," Dylan's mom begins "tell me, is Dylan nice to you?"

I can't help but to laugh. "Yes Mrs. Baker." I pick at my spaghetti with my fork. "He's a complete gentleman."

I look over at Dylan, and he looks at me and smiles. "Oh my goodness!" Rebecca squeals, "You two are adorable!" I smile and look away and eat a forkful of spaghetti. I hate eating in front of people. Especially spaghetti. It's definitely not first date food.

After dinner I help Dylan wash the dishes. "Your family is amazing. I wish I had siblings."

"Ah, they can get annoying sometimes." Dylan chuckles as he dries a plate.

"Don't be mean." I elbow him. "I just think it would be cool, cause...ya know... It's just me and my mom."

He stops drying the dishes and pulls me close to him. "Well, you are welcome to visit mine anytime you want." He kisses my forehead.

"Thanks. I should get home, it's getting late."

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow." After I say goodbye to his family I walk home. I insisted to his family that I walk home. I like to walk. It's peaceful.

Parked in front of the house next to mine is a moving truck. I see a girl walk out of the front door. I almost have a heart attack when I see her. I run to her and we hug each other. "Sydney I didn't know you were moving back!" Sydney was my best friend- and only friend- three years ago. Then she had to move because of her moms job. We kept in touch a bit, but it was never the same talking to her.

"I wanted to surprise you!" She laughs. Her curly brown hair flows in the wind.

"When are you starting school?"

"Tomorrow." She smiles big. "So what's new?"

"Uh not much. I got a boyfriend."

"What?!" She jumps. I laugh.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I've got to get some sleep." I hug her again and slip into my house. My mom is already asleep. I eventually doze off as well.

"I cannot believe you are dating Dylan Baker!" Sydney says.

"Yeah, neither can I." I laugh. "It's weird, I don't remember when I started liking him. We started talking and I just fell in love at some point." Sydney smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. "Oh shut up." I nudge her.

Dylan walks up to us. "Hey Ashley." I smile.

"I've uh, got to go." Sydney winks at me. "I'll catch you later." She waves and walks away.

"Sorry about her." I laugh and look at my shoes. I'm wearing black high top converse today.

"It's okay." He smiles. I fall in love a little more every time he smiles. "Listen." He begins as we head to our class. "So since you're my girlfriend now," he nudges me a bit. "I feel I should take you on a proper date."

"That sounds amazing."

"Okay so how's Friday?"

"Sounds good. What will we be doing?"

"It's a surprise." We finally reach the classroom and we take our seats.

"Funny how everywhere I go with you is a surprise." He winks and I turn and face the teacher, who has already began today's lecture.

I look at my body in the mirror. I haven't cut since I've started talking to Dylan. He makes everything better. Not as many people pick on me, he tells me I'm pretty-a lot- even though I know it's not true, and he makes me feel safe. I look at the scars on my body. In a way, they do tell a story, one I wish I could erase. Because, once you start cutting, those scars are there for everybody to see.

Hey so I'm not trying to romanticize cutting because it's definitely not something cute or in style. (Just wanted to make that clear, sorry if I offended anyone) but I just don't want anybody to start cutting because they think it's a 'thing', because it's not, it's just a way some people choose to deal with their pain, and it's hard for them to stop and I don't want anybody to do it because it terrifies me to know people I care about cut them selves open. Okay sorry for being all depressing I hope you enjoyed this chapter :* I love how annoying Rebecca is tbh xD

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