Chapter Three

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I lay on my bed smiling. God, I forget when the last time I actually smiled was. All I can think about is Dylan. He's so perfect. Which is quite terrifying, because he may break my heart.

I stare at my phone, waiting for it to beep, but it doesn't. I eventually doze off.

I hear a beeping noise. I sit up and look at my clock, it's two in the morning. The beeping continues. It's my phone. I fumble around my bed until I find my phone and push the answer key. "Hello?" I whisper, trying to not wake my mom.

"Hey, it's Dylan. Hopefully this is Ashley?" I smile.


I hear him nervously laugh over the line. "Great. Uhm, hey sorry I'm calling so late. Or early I guess. I just had a lot of homework and fell asleep doing it and when I woke up, I realized I needed to call you and I couldn't wait until a sane time to call you because.." His voice trails off.

"It's fine." I laugh.

"Good. So tomorrow, uhm would it be okay if I made up for bumping into you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure what time?"

"Right after school." He responds quickly.

"What will we be doing?"

"It's a surprise."I laugh. "Well, Ashley, we have school tomorrow, so I should let you sleep."

"Okay, goodnight Dylan."

"Goodnight Ashley." The line goes dead.

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