Chapter 17

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Sadie stares at me in horror. She doesn't seem to have any words. She doesn't say anything, she just hugs me. "I'm going to kill that little bitch." She whispers.


"Listen Ashley, I get I promised you that I wouldn't say anything, but sometimes you've got to break a promise!'

"Sadie I thought I could trust you!'

She stands up and stares at me as if she's disgusted with me. "Ashley. You can trust me to protect you. I'm not going to let that asshole do that and there be no consequences."

I can't believe she's doing this to me. She promised. "Sadie I just don't want to bring it up again! It's-" I can feel my eyes watering up with tears. "I don't like bringing it up again."

"I'm going to the police department first thing tomorrow morning to report it."

I stare at her in disbelief. I can tell she's not going to change her mind, because it's already made up. "Get out of my room." I order.

"Ashley." She says almost sympathetically.

"Go!" I shout. She doesn't argue this time, she just walks out of my room. I can feel my face hot with anger.

I pick up my phone and dial Dylan's number. "Hey babe, I was just about to call." He says it so serious.

"Dylan." I say.

"What's wrong?"

"Sadie. She said she's going to report what Dean did to me." The line is quiet. "Dylan?"

"Ash, I- I was calling you to tell you- I- fuck."

"Dylan? What are you-"

"I've already reported what Dean did. I was calling to tell you the court date."

"Dylan! How could you?! You promised me you wouldn't!" I'm now screaming through the phone.

"Babe." He says, trying to calm me down.

"I just don't get why you would go behind my back when I begged you not to and then you act like-"

"It's because I love you, idiot!" My door swings open. My mom, father and Sadie walk in my room. My mom looks like she was just told she has a week to live. Sadie told them.


Hey guys so I ended it right here just to annoy Daniela xD I'll try to upload again tonight C: Thanks for reading :3

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