Chapter 19

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I lay on my back staring at my ceiling. Then it begins. It's always random. I can't breathe. My breaths are short. My head hurts. My stomach hurts. My chest hurts. Everything hurts.

Anxiety attack. It hasn't happened in almost two months, why now?

I'm starting to feel lightheaded. Tears come rushing down my face. I heave for breaths, trying to calm myself down.

I feel like throwing up, although I never do. It feels like I'm fighting something inside me. I can literally feel something, tugging at me, trying to get me to break. All I can think is It hurts. It hurts so much. Fighting hurts. I want to stop fighting. I want to be done. I want the pain gone.

I cover my face. I can't think like this. I can't let thoughts like those fill my head. It's just an anxiety attack, it should be over soon. They usually only last no more than 30 minutes. I bury my face in my pillow.

I don't know why I'm having an anxiety attack. That's what sucks the most, sometimes you don't even know what triggers it. Even if you do, you can seem to explain it. It will make sense in your head, but once you say it out loud, or write it down, it seems as if you're overreacting.

Breathe. I tell myself.

The thing is, you have to calm yourself down, if somebody else isn't there to calm you down. It makes it easier.

The crying and the hurting eventually cease, and I drift into a deep sleep.

Hai guys. Sorry I'm posting kind of late. I just couldn't sleep.. This chapter is short but oh well I just kind of felt like posting.

I've started working on another book, although I haven't published the first chapter yet. I might not I'm not sure./.\ xD I've been debating on a good title for a while. I've changed it like three times xD

Anywaysss tell me what you think of this one so far :P

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