Chapter Seven

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I wake up and see Dylan watching me. "What time is it?" I ask.

"Almost nine. I should get you home, we've got school tomorrow and you need to report what Dean di-"

"No." I beg.

Dylan straightens himself. "Ashley, I'm not going to let some douchebag do that and-"

"Dylan." I interrupt him again. "Please. It's too much. I just want to forget about it." He's about to protest again. "Please."

He studies me for a moment, then gives in. "Okay."

"And, uh can, I don't want to go home tonight. Can I go to your place?"


I stand in Dylan's door way as he pulls a tshirt out of his dresser. It's a nirvana tshirt. "You can sleep in this-if you don't want to stay in those clothes."

"Okay. Thanks." He hands me the tshirt and I go into the bathroom. Once I slip on the giant tshirt I examine my body. There's no way he won't notice.

I open the bathroom door and Dylan is sitting on his bed. He stares for a moment then forces himself to look away. "It's okay," I laugh "you can look at me for more than five seconds."

"Sorry. It just-"

"I know, it's disturbing to look at me."

"No, it's just that you're beautiful." I smile. I sit next to him.


He doesn't let me finish. "No, Ashley. You're beautiful. Your scars, they don't make you disturbing, they just tell a story."

"A story that everybody can see." I look at my hands, avoiding looking at his face.

He touches my face, guiding me to look at him. "You're beautiful." I smile. He hugs me, and I hug him back. I feel safe in his arms.

"We should probably get to sleep." He whispers. "I'll take the couch and-"

"Can you sleep with me?" I beg. "I mean- sleep next to me. On the bed, with me?"

He giggles. "Yeah." We lay down and I rest my head on his chest and fall asleep to the best of his heart.

Dylan's P.O.V.

I walk into school. As soon as I see him, I walk towards him. I punch him as hard as I can in the face.

"What the fuck?!" Dean yells.

"If you ever go near Ashley I will kill you!" I shout back and walk away.

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