Chapter Five

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Dylan's P.O.V.

I watch her as a smile spreads across her face while she stares at the building. "What is this place?" She laughs.

"It's an abandoned library."

"Can we go in?"

"Nobody's going to stop us."

We march up the steps. I push open the creaking door. Ashley looks around in fascination. She immediately walks to a book shelf and examines each book. I could watch her for hours, because she's just so beautiful. She is lost in a book that she took off a shelf. "This place is amazing." She whispers. "How long have you known about it?"

"Since I was about twelve. I've always come here when I need to get away. I've never shown anybody." I sit down in a dusty bean bag chair.

She comes and stands by the chair. "Then why'd you show me?"

I watch her as her eyes search my face. "Because you're different." She smiles.

She hands me a book. "Stephen king." She says. This time, I'm the one smiling. She looks at her book that she grabbed.

I scoot over. "Need a seat?" She hesitates at first, but then she sits next to me. I watch her as she begins to read her book, and eventually I begin to read mine.


Sorry this chapter is short /.\

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