Chapter 16

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I eventually went home from Dylan's last night, even though I wanted to stay there forever. I wake up from the sun shining through my curtains. A lot of people seem to like being woken up from the sun shining through the curtains, but I hate it. It's so annoying. I want to wake up when my body decides I've had enough sleep.

I can hear them. My mom, Father and Sadie. They are all talking, as if they are a normal family. I'm not going out there. I don't want to look at their faces. Instead I play my piano. I love music. It seems to calm me down. I didn't want to do music at first though. My mom forced me to be in music class in the sixth grade. I hated it. I hated her for putting me in that class.

But there was this one day, where I asked a boy what some extracurricular band was. He looked at me and laughed a bit. I remember his exact words. "You have to be good to be in that band, so don't worry about it."

I got really angry and practiced. I needed to be better than this stupid kid, although I don't know why. I eventually became kind of good and the band director invited me to be in the after school jazz band. I kept on practicing everyday from that point on.

I guess I kind of owe thanks to that kid. He pushed me to do something, even though I hated it, and I ended up loving it.

I finish playing All of Me, by John Legend. I love to play more popular songs. Although, I still love classical pieces.

My door swings open. I turn to see Sadie. "That was beautiful." She gives a weak smile. "Do you sing?"

"Not really." I mumble. "Sadie, why are you in here?"

She sits down on the corner of my bed. "Please, tell me what Dean did that was so terrible. You're my sister and even though I've only known you two days, I hate to see you mad at me. I swear I won't date Dean, if it makes you happy. Just- please tell me."

I study her for a moment. She seems like she's really trying, and there's only been one other person in my life who has actually tried to be there for me. I get up and close my door. I sit next to Sadie and take a deep breathe. "You've got to promise, first. Promise me you won't tell anybody."

"I promise." She says.

Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy with school. I kind of like this chapter, because even though I don't play piano (although I'm attempting to teach myself) I still really love to play music. I don't know why, but music is a big part of my life. And that part about how she got into playing really happened to me (I'm still kind of annoyed with that kid though..)

Anyyyywayyyssss I'll try to update again today :P

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