Chapter Two

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Dylan's P.O.V.

I watch her as she rushes off to her next class. I can't help but to smile. Jason walks up and slaps my back. "Dude, not Ashley."

"What?" I give him a confused look.

"You like Ashley. Bad idea bro."

"I don't li-" I begin, but he interrupts me.

"Shut up. It's obvious you're crushing on her. Just don't, okay?"

"What's wrong with Ashley?"

"Dude, she's a freak." Before I have time to respond he talks again, "come on, we're gonna be late for class."

Ashley's P.O.V.

I keep my head down, but somebody pushes me. "Hey Ashley, what did you say the answer was? C? What a fucking loser." Dean laughs. I hate Dean. The bell rings. Shit. I'm late for class. I run towards my class. Once I'm in the doorway of the class everybody is staring at me.

"Ms. Young, nice of you to finally join the class." Mr. Benson remarks. Everybody is staring.

"I- I'm sorry." I run away from the class. I need to get away.

I finally make it to the girls bathroom. I quickly lock my self in there and sit on the ground, with heaving breathes, trying to breathe. Calm down. I tell myself. My breaths slow down and I finally wipe the tears from my face.

I stand up. I can't go back to class. Everybody will stare again. I can't go home either. My mom will know I ditched. I decide to go to the coffee shop across the street. I gather my things and walk towards the exit of the school.

Dylan's P.O.V.

Its fifth period. I look at the empty desk. Ashley usually sits there. She was here this morning, where is she now? I hear some guy say something about Ashley, about how she probably killed herself. I want to punch him in the face. Instead I sit silently at my desk, staring at the door, waiting for Ashley, but she never comes.

Lana leans over. "Hey Dylan. You wanna grab some coffee after school?"

"Uh, sure." She smiles.

After class Jason comes and high fives me. "Dude, you got a date with Lana!"

"It's not a date." I assure him.

"Whatever it is, you've totally got her."

"I don't want her." I say without thinking.


"Lana is pretty and all, but I don't want to date her, I want-" I stop myself mid thought, because we both know the next word, Ashley.

"Really?" Jason stops walking. "Ashley is a freak. She's phsyco, she cuts herself, and she should be dead. Ashley is weird. Stay the hell away from her."

"She's not a freak, Jason. And yeah she cuts, but you know everybody's got ways of dealing with pain. Yours seems to be being a douche bag." I walk away before he has a chance to respond.

Lana and I get out of my car. We walk into the coffee shop and I see her. Her beautiful blue eyes buried in a book. Ashley. Lana must have noticed because she was tugging at my arm. "Come on, silly." She giggles.

Ashley looks up and observes me. I immediately look away and steer Lana in the direction of the counter. I order the coffees. Lana is smiling at me, but says nothing. "Excuse me a moment Lana." I maneuver my way past her and I slide into the booth Ashley is sitting in.

She looks up. "Hi, uh Ashley, right?"

"Yeah. Dylan?" She keeps her eyes fixated on me, as if she's trying to figure out my darkest secret.

"Uh yeah. Listen, I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier."

"It's fine." She smiles, but it's not a real smile. It's a smile for me, not her. As if she's trying to reassure me that she's happy.

"No, let me make it up to you." I beg.

"Really, it's no big deal-" she tries to assure me.

"Please." I beg again. "I want to. Please?"

She smiles, this one seems more real. "Okay." She whispers.

"Okay." I smile. I get her number and tell her I'll text her later.

I get up and walk back towards Lana. "What was that about?" She snickers.

"Oh, uh nothing. Listen Lana, I hate to cut out little hang out short, because you're a great friend and all, but I've really got to get going." Lana stares at me in disbelief. "I'm sorry, uh do you need a ride home?"

"No." Lana walks away.

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